Chapter 10

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☆1 hour later☆

Jorge: Okay, let me get this straight. We are searching for someone who doesn't like us. Who can't stand lies. So who actually can't stand me. We are searching while I could've played 'Minecraft'. We are searching for someone who has a best friend, who works in a pizza store - so there are other people who know her- and her mom and dad are probably on the couch wathing 'Pretty little liars'. Well, tell me one little reason why I should search for her.

Rugge: Come on Jorge. On some day she has got to beat you. So she has to come back.

Jorge: So that doesn't mean I want her back.

Rugge: Well otherwise you have no pizza anymore.

Jorge: There are alot of people who are working by 'Domino's' I don't really need one.

Rugge: There's no- one you can throw an applepie in there face.

Jorge: I have you or Cande, Melanie, Diego - to give him a payback- that dude... Fr-fr-Frank, the girlfriend of Diego, our coach, rest of our team. I won't miss her.

Rugge: Well think of this. I spended money on that call I made to the cops. If you're not helping me with searching Tini, I will let you pay everything back. But than ten times more.

Jorge: Fine I will search.

☆After 2 houres☆

Jorge: Tina?

Rugge: Tini! Were are you?

Jorge: Tinaaaaaaaa!

Rugge: It won't help if you are screaming the wrong name.

Jorge: Why not, there's always got to be a first time for doing something. Iewl I sound like a girl again. Rugge you really have to stop doing that!

☆30 minutes later☆
Rugge: Well I think I've got to a conclusion. Tini is not on field one... let's go to the second field.

Jorge: Good idea!

Rugge: On the first sight there's no-one...

Jorge: Maybe behind the football?

Rugge: That can be... let's look.

Jorge: Well *showing some tricks* She is not under or behind the ball. Wait! Maybe she is behind the goal. What if we go play football and if we scoor she must have to say something.

Rugge: Good idea. Let's start. First to 10?

Jorge: Yes that's good.

☆After a while☆
Rugge: Well she is not behind the goal.

Jorge: Do you think what I think?

_At the same time_
Rugge: Field 3
Jorge: Field 3

Rugge: Well I think she's not here too...

Jorge: Nope...

Rugge: Wait! We missed the bench by the clubhouse.

Jorge: Yes! Maybe she's under it!

-By the bench-
Rugge: Nope not even here...

Jorge: Why did I even went searching? I mean I don't even like her, better I hate her...

Rugge: Come on...

Jorge: God damn Tina show up I want to see 'Finding Nemo'.

??: It's Tini.

Jorge: I don't care Ti- Hey I found you. Rugge I found her. Well than the cops is searching for nothing...

Rugge: Tini there you are! -Rugge hugs Tini-

Jorge: Well I'm going to see 'Finding Nemo' Bye * I wanted to pass but Rugge stopped me*

Rugge: You're not forgetting something?

Jorge: * What does he mean? Oh!* Mine!

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