Chapter 3

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(Violet's POV)


I wake up in the nursery.
    What happened?
    Did I pass out?  The school nurse walked over to a chair and sat down, reading a magazine.  I sit up.
    "You're up already?" She asks.
    "What happened?"  I asked.  The nurse looked up from her magazine and put her glasses past the bridge of her nose. 
    "You must've got dehydrated or passed out in Mrs. Jackson's office," She looked at me carefully.  "When was the last time you had something to drink?"
No. It was another panic attack.
"To drink?" I repeated.
    "Yes, to drink."
    When was the last time I had water, or juice, or milk?
    "Last night at dinner," I say questioning myself. I think I had a sip of water, either way I stick with that answer.
    "Do you need anything?"
    "A new home." I mumble
    "Nevermind, but I would like some water please."
She walks away, to a different room to probably obtain the water. I sit up and rest my back against the wall. She walks back in holding a small clear cup with a straw. I have two more classes left and I will be set free. I need my bags, where are they?
"Excuse me, do you know what happened to my bags?" I say looking at her as she hands me the cup.
"I think they put them in the back of the office, I will go check."
    "Thank you." I say as I look at her hands once more. I notice her nails are short and have layer of light blue nail polish. My mind is going a thousand miles per hour right now.    
I take the cup and and sip on the straw. The water tastes different than my tap water at my house. This water tastes clean and refreshing. She leaves and then returns within a minute with both of my bags in her hands, and a smile on her face. "Thank you," I say once more. She nods in reply.
If only my family treated me with this kind of kindness and respect. I set the half empty glass on a side table. I grab my backpack and zip it open. I reach for my blue notebook, which reminds me of the nurse's fingernails. I open the notebook zooming through all the pages. I put the plan in the middle so no one would see anything. I go through what's going to happen after the last bell rings.   

In 10 minutes I tell the nurse that I'm feeling good enough to go to homeroom. I finish the water and leave a small piece of paper that says 'Thank You' on the table. I walk out the door, there's no turning back now. Instead of going to homeroom, I decide to leave now. I run to my locker and raid everything I left in it. I grab my extra granola bars and water bottle that I left in my locker and stuff it into my extra bag. My heart is racing. I also grab my phone and wallet and rapidly stuff them into the bag. I turn towards the exit and start to run.

  Am I really going to do this? Yes. I burst through the entrance doors and run. I swing my bags around my back and keep going. The fresh air is invigorating as I breathe it in. My bags thud against my back in a rhythm. It motivates me. I exit the parking lot and begin my journey to the forest. I glide into a slow walk. I am almost out of breath and I look up at the path to distract myself.

Soon enough, I get there. I see a bench and sit down. I put my bags in my lap and watch as people go by. Some look at me and some just walk by, not even glancing my way. A boy walks by, he looks like a new kid this year, but why was he so close in the senior wing outside?

He flashes me a smile, but I don't return it.  He watches me as I sit on the bench.  I look at him and he's stopped in his tracks, but then starts to walk again, smiling one more time, and then is out of my view.  I look around at all the people on the path.  I start to get self-conscience about myself as they all look at me, so I get up and start to walk some more. I walk very deep into the paths and then go onto the unbeaten road. I plan to adventure around for a bit until I decide what I'm doing when it gets dark.  I get out a pocket knife that I found one day, and start to walk over to the trees. 
Maybe I should carve something? 

I flip open the knife and start to dig into the tree stump.  I carve the Nirvana smiley face into the tree, and smile at myself.
I'm finally free.
I step over fallen branches, and see a river running up the 'trail'.  I walk over to the river, and look around.  The scenery is so beautiful as I look at it.  I step forward to get a better look.

As I step, my foot catches a root, and I fall forward, falling off the hill and into the river.  My backpacks catch on a rock, and I'm trapped under water.  I struggle to get released, but my lungs struggle to get oxygen. I thrash around but it only makes it worse. I'm getting weak and everything begins to fade until all I see is darkness. 

Hope you liked it!

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