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Damn. That rude man had to ruin my night!

I thought as I laid there on my bed and went on twisting and turning every now and then.

I really needed some sleep tonight as I had an important meeting early in the morning tomorrow.

Way to ruin my mood, Mister.

I got up with my pillow and covers and walked like a lunatic out of my apartment after taking the keys and shutting it behind me.

As soon as I knocked the door of the next flat, there was some shuffling inside and soon enough, Pakhi was standing before me with the door held wide open.

Yeah, we owned our own flats in the same building. That's how we met each other in the first place. And who ever felt the need to move in when it's like the next room? Not lazy procrastinators like us!

I pushed her out of my way and headed straight for the bedroom.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" I said, crashing her bed, already feeling my eyelids droop down.

"I was kinda expecting you."

"Wow! Now shut up and come, sleep," I patted the space next to me on the bed.

I could almost feel her rolling her eyes at me and slipping under the covers on the bed with her head on my right arm. She took a moment to snuggle in between my arm and chest, hugging me round the middle.

Now I could fall asleep peacefully. Habit of three long years.


"Wake up, Ant!"

"Shut up Pakhi," I said, my voice muffled by the pillow covering my ears.

Pakhi grabbed the pillow and threw it away, starting to jump on the bed. "Make me breakfast!"

"Make it yourself."

"Nah. Payback for last night. I let you sleep over."

"Sleep over?" My senses heightened at that.

"Yeah. You seemed to have troubles getting over Mr. Rude-as-fuck -"

"To hell with you!"I jumped up from the bed. "Starting my morning with curse words and delaying my work!"

I grabbed a towel off the rack and rushed to shower to only come out after a few minutes, with the towel round my waist.

"Breakfast!" Pakhi demanded, giving me the evil eye.

"Why aren't you ready yet? No being absent from office today, Pakhi!"

"Okay boss!"

She never called me that. Except when she wanted something from me. I could swear she's a child trapped in an adult's body.

"What do you want, Pakhi?" I narrowed my eyes at her, shaking my head in denial.

At this rate, I was surely going to be late for the meeting. Or worse, miss it totally.

I watched as she unlocked her phone and pushed it right into my eyes.

Okay, not literally though.

"I just wanted to show you this," she said in an overly sweet voice. "See the day today? It's Sunday!"

I groaned and let myself fall flat on the bed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I love to see you in a rush!" She said with child-like excitement.

"Stop being such a child, Pakhi! And let me sleep!"

"No! I want breakfast!" She pulled me by my hand.

Damn, she got inhuman strength whenever it was about food.

"Okay, going!"

I made way to her kitchen. I loved it here more than mine. It was more homely than my furnished one.

But really? Did I really have cook early in the morning now?

"Can't we just have some biscuits and then have a takeaway brunch -"

"My breakfast, slave!"

Okay yeah... I at least wrote this one before July... be happy!

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