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Jake's pov

I don't quite know how long it's been since we all divided into groups, we stummbled across the corpses of a few of our old chums. I have yet to see any of them as those horrifying creatures, I'd rather not think about it. I shook my head and continue salvaging for more supplies, we managed to find some more water but very little food. I'm afraid we will run out soon.

"Yo uncle Jake!" I whip my head around with Dirk. I get tackled hugged by Jade and see a smiling Dave. I look at them.

"Where is Rose?" Roxy asked John.

"She ran off with kanaya" she nodded as we all ended up in a giant group hug because of Jade and Jane. I smiled as I saw a few zombies come out of an alley.

"I hate to ruin the moment but um it looks like we have a bit of company." I said pulling out my pistols. We heard some groaning from well everywhere.

"Just I bit my ass" John said pulling out a hammer and bashing in their heads as Dave and Dirk cut them off. Me Roxy and Jade fire out guns while Jane hits them with a god damn frying pan! Really I question that girls decisions sometimes! I mean she could easily- my thoughts were cut off by Jane's high pitch scream as her flesh was being torn into by those things. We manger to shoot them all off her and Roxy ran to her side along with John and then the rest of us.

"Roxy.. it hurts..." She put Roxy's pistol up to her head.

"Roxy please don't let me turn.." Roxy curled her finger around the trigger but John had to help her pull it. I shook my head and started sprinting towards the nearest building. I could t handle it. So many of us. Why this! Why this way! I ran into a gas station and sat in a corner. I took off my jacket and grabbed my Wallet, I looked at the picture of me and Dirk before this all happened, I played with the ring on my finger, we were gonna get married, I heard a groan from behind me, Meenah.. I shot her in the head as her teeth pierced my skin, I quickly looked for some bandages and wrapped up my arm, and put my jacket back on.

"Jake what the hell," Dirk said and hugged me tightly. "Don't run off like that.." he buried his face in my neck.

"Meenah, how did she.." Roxy shook her head. John ran up to us with a goofy grin on his face.

"So good news place is clear and there's food and water in the little back storage room!" I smiled knowing we could last a bit longer, more time with Dirk, maybe if we last long enough there will be a cure.

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