Tiva: An NCIS Fanfiction

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Ok guys it is my first fanfiction hope you like it!!!!!!

Ziva David walked into the squadroom at 8:00 am. She sat down and looked at McGee across the room, he was typing away on his computer.
"Where's Tony, he's late?" Ziva asked McGee
"I don't know" McGee said

An hour later:
Tony had still had not come into work. Ziva started to worry. Where is he? she asked herself.
"McGee" Ziva called " Can you trace Tony's cell"
"Sure" McGee said
"Sorry Ziva it's turned off"
Just then Gibbs walked into the squad room.
"Grab your gear" he said "We got a missing NCIS agent"
Ziva's stomach churned.
"Who is it" Mcgee asked
"Tony Dinozzo"

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