Once Upon a story

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Once Upon a story that was just a little girl she was running through the woods right in front of her house is in she so the big people said stay away from they say that midnight it's in the scariest thing you ever see but she saw a kitten a black bobtail kitten she was scared that she would kill it because it was close to midnight but it was only 11:59 then it hit 12 the girl was so scared he knew something bad was about to all the sudden the woods started shaking rattling tree falling down but then the Big Oak started falling then it felt like a earthquake was happening she didn't know what to do the grass from under her slid from under her then she fell in a hole that was under her she was under there alone in the dark she was scared then she hears me meowing she start walking towards it then she felt something on her shoulder it was a little birdie then grew all the sudden brought the girl and the kitten up to their house but wait was it a dream she woke up in her bed but still black kitten was right beside her and the little birdie side door window what do you say a dream or not

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