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Before I forget a sixth time, DemigodNarniaElf  helped with the ideas for this whole fic. How everyone will die, the sensible-ness behind it, what characters I should use, etc. We wrote three note-pages full of the plots, which I then went and lost. I did find them though, after a particularly terrifying meeting with a spider that appeared to like Magnus Chase, as it scuttled right over my book and scared the s**t out of me. Not literally. If you get the chance, post some song lyrics on the aforementioned's profile. She loves it really!!!

POV: Jason Grace

Eyes forward Jason. Act like they aren't there. You're better than the lot of them.
Jason started fixedly ahead, ignoring the jerking of the chariot that encompassed him on three sides. He ignored the crowds, the way his costume's lightning bolts cut into his arms and legs and the thump of the drums that made his eardrums pulse in a faintly dangerous way.

But most of all, he ignored the stunning other in the glaring white chariot with him.

Piper. It was the name on all the tongues of the district 5 boys. He should know, he'd heard it often enough, whispered like a holy prayer. Piper. She'd talked to him before, sure. Laughed with him. But otherwise, he'd been ignored as fully as he was doing to the Capitol crowds. Piper. And now, she was facing her death right next to him.

Piper. Oh Gods, if he had to spend his last minutes with someone, he was glad it would be her.

Looking like the perfect little tribute, Jason raised one hand regally towards the crowds, the sunlight flashing off his costume, giving the crowd his stylists desired effect. He chanced a glimpse to his right; Piper was copying him, waving to the crowd, but looking totally removed. Her hair was escaping from the stupid cloud-hat, that she managed to make look so cute... Her eyes were focused right ahead, colour changing from stormy grey to a lighter, friendlier blue as she opened up towards the crowd.

But she never once turned to look at him.

Giving a minuscule sigh, Jason stopped watching her out the corner of his eye, and fixed both globes occulaires firmly on the chariot in front of him, focusing on the district 4 tributes, who both had black hair that gleamed in the Capitol sun. Their matching outfits of blue and green silk made them look like twins.
Maybe they are. Jason thought to himself sadly. It's not beyond the Capitol to rig the reaping balls for a better show. Maybe that's why Pipes is here.
He dared another glance towards her. She was still waving, breathing deeply and clinging to the side of the chariot in a death grip.

Is she scared?

Jason swallowed, and gently poked Piper in the side, before shouting over the noise at her:
"Urrrrggg... Ummm... Piper? Are you ok there? Do you think you're going to fall out?"
Thankfully, she didn't seem to hear his indecision at the start.
"M'all right!! She shouted back, beautiful blue eyes gazing right into his. "It is a bit-"
The chariot gave a particularly violent lurch.
"Bumpy though!!!" She looked like she was going to be sick.
"HERE!" Jason grabbed her shoulder in an attempt to steady her a bit. It seemed to work as she placed her previously waving hand over his.
"Thanks Jason." She said seriously, before abandoning her attempts to wave and just clinging to Jason with one hand and the chariot edge with the other. 

A particularly tense half-hour later, Jason was having to help a rather wobbly Piper out the chariot, back in the remake centre. She had clung to him for the entire ride, not stopping even when the cameras turned to them. He was sure it had sparked off gossip in the Capitol - a perfect, really pretty girl clinging onto her counterpart? Not exactly anything they would ignore.

Piper made a few attempts to walk, but ended up lying back in his arms, blinking up at him.

Jason wasn't sure he could breathe. The dirty-white stone walls seemed to be closing in on him.

"Umm... Jason?" She blushed prettily.

"Urrr... Pipes?"

"Can you, ya'know, help me a little?"

Jason really couldn't breathe now.

"Sure thing Pipes. Sure thing."

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