1-Beginning of the end

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Sydney's POV

"Gray babe, I'm going now, I'll see you after okay?" I say at the door. Grayson comes over wrapping his arm around my waist giving me a little side hug, while kissing my cheek.

"Yeah of course, I can't wait to see you on the talk show, I'll record the whole thing!" he says cheerfully. I laugh and go to the lobby. 

"Sydney, the car is outside already, do you need anything before we go to the show?" Alexa asks before coming up to me to hug me. 

"No I'm good to go. I'm a little nervous. I don't usually go on interview-like shows without the others." I say walking out to the car. 

"Don't worry it'll be fine, if you don't know what to say you just change the subject okay?" Alexa says as we get into the car. I nod and give her a smile. 

*At the interview place*

"Sydney Carter is up next!" A man from the crew says, I walk up and wave implying I am her. He directs me to stand in a certain spot behind the curtain.

"Just wait here for a minute or two, the girl across the way over there will give you the signal to come out. She'll just motion for you to come out by waving her hand." he says

"Okay great, thank you!" I say. Soon after he walked away I saw my cue and walked out on stage hearing applause and my name being shouted. I wave to the audience smiling.

"Here we have Sydney Carter the star of the hit tv series Teenage Wasteland" The host, Ellen Degeneres says, clapping. I go in for a hug and then sit.

"Hi Ellen, thank you for having me here." I say smiling at her

"Of course. But thank you for coming. I know you're very busy, because aside from filming Teenage Wasteland, I know you'll be starring in the upcoming remake of Mean Girls." she says causing the audience to cheer. I immediately smile

"So do you know you will be playing in the remake?" she asks

"Actually I do, but sadly I'm not allowed to share that information yet." I say 

"Okay well onto information you can share, Teenage Wasteland's season finale of season 2 aired earlier this week, what are you're thoughts on your character's relationship with your real life boyfriend's character?" she says. I think about it for a second. In the show our characters Serena and Matt have been dating for a month but are starting to have problems arise.

"Well for Matt and Serena I think that they're problem right now is that they're out of the honeymoon phase of their relationship. Just like Grayson and I in real life, they're young, but they don't really know what's to come. This is the first real relationship either of them has had. They just need to start deciding if the problems that are arising are worth losing their relationship." I explain

"And how would you say that applies to your real life relationship?" she questions

"For Grayson and I, we know each other well. There are times people might think we're gonna get into a fight over something, but we already know it's not worth it and we'll look past it right away. We haven't had a serious problem that has threatened our relationship, we've always been able to talk about things and be honest with each other which I think is really important." I say smiling at the thought of him

Grayson's POV

"we've always been able to talk about things and be honest with each other which I think is really important." Sydney says on the show. The words almost feel like poison.

"Wow man, being honest is very important to her and you still haven't told her about what happened. Gray you're really gonna hurt her if you don't tell her soon." Ethan says

"I love her, I don't want to lose her" I say looking at my lockscreen which is a picture of us.

"Well it shouldn't of happened man." Ethan says shaking his head

Sydney's POV

"Well Sydney some fans have sent in video of things they wanted to tell you." Ellen says directing me to the screen. I turn my head slightly to see.

I watch as several clips come up on the screen as fans say they love me, or my work and things of that nature. After the last one ends I turn foward again.

"Oh it's not over yet. We also have a very special message from your boyfriend Grayson." I immediately smile and turn to the screen.

Suddenly I see a video of Grayson kissing a random girl, my smile quickly fades and I can feel my eyes start to water, while the audience gasps. I can hear people shouting to cut the video, but no one knows how it's streaming. 

I get up from my seat, tears forming. 

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I say looking around the room, hoping someone would say it's fake

"I can't believe this" I say as a tear falls down my cheek. 

"I can't do this. Alexa I need to go home" I say rushing off the stage. This has been most humiliating moment I have ever had.

Alexa wraps her arms around me.

"Sydney I'm so sorry." I take the hug, but continue to walk right after

*in the car*

"Let's go to the apartment please Derek" I say the the driver

"Yes Ms. Carter are you okay?" he asks as Alexa and I enter the car

"I just need you and Alexa to go into the apartment and pack my clothes, makeup, and shoes please" I say wiping away my tears

"Of course Ms.Carter" 

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