Chapter 8: Rescue

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"We have two Jedi down and no means of escape. We need a quick evacuation." I was trying not to let my excitement out, in my voice.

"What is your position, Padawan?"

"Alpha Minor, in the Naboo system, exact concordats unknown."

"Understood Padawan. Sit tight, the Calvary is on its way."

"Alright Master, thank you!!!!!!" Our rambunctious celebration woke Kattie, and for the next two hours, we worked on salvaging the ship and dismantling our shelter. All the work fell to us 'cause we were the only ones who can walk. 

"To bad Masters Kenobi and Skyguy aren't coming with us." I sighed.

"I know but----"

"Get back to the others." She turned and saw what I'd seen, the Sith from earlier standing in the shadows. Kattie started backing away, I grabbed the third saber off of my belt, I hadn't noticed it until now, but the curved form fit well into my hand and I knew who's the blade was, Asajj Ventress. I slipped into my fighting stance, activating the blade. The blood red form of a sith light saber shot into the air. I braced, waiting for him to draw his own saber, but he just grabbed three sabers from his belt and tossed them at my feet, and dispersed into the shadows. I reached down and grabbed them, as I feared, they belonged to Masters Qui-Gonn, Obi-Wan and Skyguy. I gasped, tears springing to my eyes. Carefully I gathered up the sabers and took them back to Master Starkiller and Kattie. I presented Master Starkiller with his father's light saber, and gingerly I clipped Master Obi-Wan's and Master Qui-Gonn's to my belt.

"A Sith through these at me. Now I know that Asajj gave me her light saber, and I know why too. She saved us." The other two nodded their agreement. I looked at Ahsoka, a dribble of blood was making its way down her chin. I wiped it way with my sleeve, I looked up to see blaster and cannon bolts streaking across the sky.  A small medical shuttle making its way to us and coming into land. As soon as it touched down, my friend 'Soka, a Togruta with violet lekku and medium orange skin. Her face markings are basically  large circles around her eyes, so they look like glasses. She wares a brown dress, so she looks like a min-Shaak-Ti,  with her were Heather, and the Prince, a Mon Calamari with salmon skin and green eyes, he is about 6 ft tall at a guess, and always dresses like he is about to enter his castle at home. We don't just call him the Prince because he dresses like one, but because he is one. He is the son of King Lee Char, Prince of Mon Kali. The Prince ran over to Kattie and Master Luke, the two Padawans helped him to his feet and walked him into the shuttle. 'Soka and Heather ran over to me and helped me lift up Ahsoka and carry her into the shuttle.

"I thought that this was a rescue mission!!!" Shouted 'Soka.

"Yes, wasn't it your job to get everyone home alive?" Heather added. I winced, Masters Obi Wan and Skywalker weren't coming with us.

"That's what I AM doing!" I retorted, we were on the shuttle now.

"Come On!!!" Master Fisto shouted, and the prince ran to him, Master Windu joined them at the door, as did Master Aayla and Heater. I clipped Ventress' light saber to Heather's belt as she passed, hoping it would help protect them. Barriss Offie, chained, as always, her dominant wrist to her opposite ankle, joined the small group at the door. Then they all jumped out, and the shuttle lifted off. Soka and I knelt to stable Ahsoka as it did so.

"They came to finish my mission, didn't they?" I asked, as Kattie joined us.

"Yep, even Barriss wanted to help. Master Windu told her she'd have to stay with him, but agreed she could come." We moved over to the crash couches and sat down. One of the couches had an Iron ring set into it, and I knew it was Barriss' seat. About 29 years ago, during the Clone Wars, Barriss had blown up one of the hangers at the temple, and killed someone out right. Then framed Ahsoka for it. To cut a long story short, Ahsoka had gone on the run, befriended Ventress, then been brought into face trial. Where Barriss confessed to save her friend's life, and was locked up.After the war, when they needed prison space, Yoda had her brought back to the temple, but only as a padawan. She couldn't become a Knight, she had to ware a chain between her dominate wrist and opposite ankle. Finally, she would live with the Padawans, and must always be with someone, or a group of Padawans. The day this went into affect, there were two ceremonies, Ahsoka's knighting ceremony, and Barriss' binding ceremony. Ventress had been welcomed back into the order, and Knighted about two weeks later. Barriss had lived with the chain for the past 20 or so years. I rather like both Barriss and Ventress, but lots of older Knights and Master don't fully trust either of them.


Sorry this has been dormant for so long. I didn't want to work on it, then realized how much of it I had written out. I'll try to get more up soon, but I've got school starting back, so it may take a while.

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