Blood Bath

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You can say what you want, go as you will, but I say the truth. I saw what everyone refused to see behind his plastic invisible mask. His golden blue eyes showcased the horrors the world had to offer. He let his brown hair hang off his shoulders not caring as much as his servants did about his appearance.

His portrait hangs above the fireplace reminding me of our past, and all the memories that enchanted the manor. He deserved life beyond mortality, but that's not what was offered to him. A soul for immortality, my dear didn't realize the suffering he and his people would endoor just by a simple deal he made with the devil.

I sat in the parlor speaking to my dear knowing he'd hear me from the beyond where his soul remains for the rest of eternity. I stared at his nineteenth century portrait as the fire crackled gazing at his beauty.

"I'll avenge you my dear. One of these days your soul will finally have peace." I spoke attempting to uphold my honor. His name tattooed my being like a gravestone marks a corpse. The love I felt for him overpowered everything else in my body always keeping his memory not too far away.

My heart loses a piece of itself every time I remember the way the manor used to sparkle as the guests at our parties eyes gleamed in joy. I miss my dear for he was the best host in all of england, the king himself was incomparable to my lover. Every women in town wished to be me, on the arm of the most beautiful and richest man in town.

Every night after the parties we'd lay in bed reminiscing of our beginnings in life. We laid in bed laughing and crying enjoying every part of life we were given. My best friend was my husband, and that's what made our marriage so kill worthy.

The Mayor, Radus Albyn, came by the manor late one night after a dinner party wanting to speak of his daughter's, Elizabeth, passing and if my husband knew of anyone who wanted to harm her. Elizabeth died of a cold, there wasn't much to talk about in my opinion. I found it odd considering Radus on multiple occasions had spoken ill of his daughter and her husband.

We'd known Radus well, he was at almost every party and his presence was muched missed when he hadn't shown up that night. He was like just about every other man in England, only he'd never hurt a women. My husband had helped him out on his expenses when needed in exchange for a good word around town. My dear came from a long line of rich men and he'd inherited enough money to buy us England itself, but that's not what he wished for. He wanted to be remembered, and he was, only for a different reason than what he intended for.

I pulled my dear aside stating exactly what I was thinking, "He's not right, my dear. Make him leave."

He chuckled finding humor in my paranoia grabbing hold of my hand rubbing it gently. He calmly responded, "I can't throw a man out for simply being suspicious." He kissed my hand walking back into the parlor continuing to try and reason with my husband. Oh my dear, you should've known better, you were too kind.

He didn't see the world for what it was becoming. We were all animals trying to be civilized, that's the human race. I knew what we were all coming to, I'd tell him of my dreams and he knocked it off as nonsense, that was his major downfall. He was mentally blind.

When the mayor didn't get the answer he wanted he assumed my lover was in on some plot. He stabbed my husband three times in the stomach and ran out the door forgetting that I existed. I held my dear comforting him as the life left his body. His last words proved that he wasn't who let on, he was the man I always knew he was, "Avenge me."

Radus went on to kill three other men that night. He came back to me begging for help. My dress was covered in blood as was he. My dear's words played on repeat in my head. As he rambled on how he made a mistake, I hit the back of his head with a candle holder and I watched him bleed out onto the floor.

I prepared my bath completely numb hoping to regain normal human emotions soon. I laid in the bath not being able to unsee the bloodbath that took place in my parlor, all my greatest memories took place in. A realization washed over me, I'd never see my lover for the rest of my life. I grabbed the knife beside me that Radus killed my husband with and I jabbed my stomach with it. I laid there for what felt like an eternity waiting to die. I now hoped to see him once again.

I find it a crime that when life had just began, it'd ended. You take away the icing on the cake, it becomes undesirable. He was the beginning and his death was the end.

I relive the same day for eternity, the day I died. I do what I had done all those centuries ago, I killed myself in his honor hoping to see my star crossed lover once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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