Chapter 8

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Yn P.O.V
After talking with Lucas i thought that maybe being with vier could be the safest thing for me & nay. After all he did say for the safty of nay i have to do it for my daughter & me lucas is no good for me anymore i gotta lose these feelings i have for him i have too but i cant i fell INLOVE WITH MY SELLER .

Nobodies P.O.V
Vier went to go see lucas once again

"Did you talk to her ?" Vier asked

"First of where is my daughter ?" Lucas asked

"Shes doing good but wha-" vier was rudely interrupted

"I dont believe you where is my daughter idc about Yn right now all i care about is my daughter"

"Lucas if you really cared about your daughter you would of gave me the money back as soon as she told you she was pregnant but no member you said business is business so again what did she say" vier is easily getting to lucas head

Lucas put his head down & got a flashback to that day when Yn told him she was pregnant and he still let Vier take her "she said to fuck me and fuck my life so thats a yes she'll be with you"

Vier chuckled "good now whats i get her and our daughter Nay ill let you go"

Lucas got up and gripped vier from his collar "first of she is my daughter not yours you better not hurt them or i swear on everything Vier ill kill you idc if i spend the rest of my life in this hell hole i wouldnt care" lucas let him go due to the cop grabbing him

Vier smiled "no promises lucas" vier got up and walked away

"YOU BETTER NOT HURT THEM VIER I SWEAR" Lucas screamed while being forced to back and back to his cell. He got pushed in which led him to sit on the floor and cry "dont hurt my girls"

Vier P.O.V
"Ohhhh lucas if you only knew what i have planned for you" i smiled while driving to Yn House.

I got to Yn house and knocked on the door

"Vier" Yn said surprised

"Hello Yfn, ready to go ?" I asked while smiling

She gulped "yeah let me ... let me just get my bags" she ran uo the stairs & came back down with 2 bags. We walked to the car and drove off to my private plane. We got on the plane and went to my island

Yn P.O.V
All i had on my mind was lucas and Nay especially nay i hope my princess is okay i miss her so much . I know my life is going to be a living hell but i gotta act like im into vier just to be safe and Lucas safety aswell i have to do what i have to do. I seen we finally landed and i also seen a maid holding Nay i ran out the plane quick as ever and held my baby

"Omgggg you dont know how much i missed you i was worried sick" i said said while holding nay and crying "thank you for taking care of her"

"No problem Mrs. Campaign" the maid said

"Mrs.Campaign?" I asked

"Yeah Mr.Vier asked us to call you that way since yall getting married soon"

"Please dont call me that my name is Mrs. Coly or Yn"

"Okay im sorry Ms.Yn"

"Thank you"

I walked inside the house with nay i looked over to the couch and had a flashback on how i was raped there and how many females were raped there. Nothing changed from when i left. The only thing that did is that now im going to be an Owner to all the girls Vier has and im going to be treated better

"Why are you just standing there my queen" vier asked while talking towards him and hugging me from behind

I felt to disgusted but i cant show it "nothing just admiring our home thats all" i said while turning around & fake smiling

"You dont know how much i love you" vier said while holding ny face gently "i love you and our daughter so much yall mean everything to me"

I thought to myself this nigga has got to be kidding me after everything you put ne thru you have the audacity to say you love me pleaseee

"Can you show me to mine and Nays room please" i asked

"You mean our room and nay's room"

"Vier she is only a couple days old she cant be alone"

"Babygirl there is maids here to take care of her . You just need to spend time with me" he said while trying to grab my hand

I pulled away quickly "well im sorry but i cant i need to take care of her myself not ya fucking maids okay i do if you really want me to have feelings for you and to be happy with you youll respect my decision" i said a lil upset vier looked shocked

"Okay okay ill respect it im sorry"

Now i was shocked "okay vier now can you please"

Vier and i went upstairs

Nobodies P.O.V
"Fire fire fire" A Cellmate Yield across the room

Boom another bomb went off

"Let all the prisoners out!!!" The officer said while running to the control room oushing the botton to open all the cells

All the prisoner ran to where there was no fire but as soon as they were running it exploded aswell

Lucas P.O.V
I was running to a place where there was no fire but it was no use holding the blanket over my mouth so the smoke wont kill me before the fire do

"Lucas!!" The cellmate yield "common we need to find a way out"

We both ran to the other side of the prison and as soon as we were running the whole hallway the one we were running on exploded aswell


Do yall think Lucas died ?
Yall think Vier had anything to do with this ?
What would happen with Yn?

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