Our Fate

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Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha otay? Now don't you dare sue me! •_•

A/N: ok I know not alot of updates coming from me. Yeah yeah I get it. I've been pretty...bleh lately but...this is the last chapter. Enjoy.

3rd Person
Inuyasha shook his head and stepped away from Kagome.

"You can't leave me. You're here now so why can't you stay?!" He yelled furiously while tears ran down his cheeks.

Kagome stood emotionally.

"Inuyasha. Don't cry for me. I'm in a better place and I'm waiting for you. Time ticks by at this very moment bringing us closer together. We will be together again. I promise."

Inuyasha shut his eyes tightly and sobbed at the feeling of loss.

"Kagome...I love you so so much. And I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before. I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

Kagome shook her head and smiled.

"Don't be sorry Inuyasha. I've made my choice. I just want you to accept that choice. Now is Kikyo's time. I'll be waiting in the future reincarnated. For you."

She walked up to Inuyasha and looked into his eyes.

Slowly they leaned forward into each other's embrace.

Allowing their lips to lock passionately, she squeezed her eyes shut and bursted into millions of shimmering specs.

The spec's of pure energy and love seemed to expand across the land. To the West, where Sesshomaru sat in his office chair with a raised eyebrow and a look of clear annoyance at getting a pink sparkling substance in his hair. Along with a Rin who was jumping around the office screaming. 'My Lord! My Lord! It is Miss Kagome-sama! She is wishing happiness across the lands and is saying her farewell!!!' To the East Koga sat with Ayame trying to speak over hysterical coughs coming from his comrades. Knowing the sparkly substance was none other than Kagome's last farewell and wish he willed himself to speak a silent prayer. 'Thank you Kagome.' in his head.
To the South Naraku was running away from the purifying sparkling substance knowing that if it touched him he'd be purified. And gone. For good this time. As it touched him he screamed and chanted a silent prayer that he would return. But alas his minions were destroyed with the exception of Kanna, Kagura, and Kohaku. Who were finally gaining the freedom they deserved. The jewel-shards evaporating into dust along the way.
And finally back to the north. The substance seemed to swirl around Kikyo who stood by inuyasha, Miroku and Sango holding each other as they cried, Shippou bawling at the loss of his mother and Kirara who was crying silent tears also huddled together. Along with the Village of Edo (sp?). Everyone stood, cried, and smiled, at the final good bye. Of Kagome Higurashi.
(Still 3rd person)

500 yrs in the future.

Inuyasha stood at his brothers desk in his black cashmere suit.

"Whada ya mean you can't go!?" He slammed his hand on Sesshomaru's desk.

Sesshomaru's right eye twitched with annoyance at his half-brother's stupidity.

"I mean I am not coming. I have more pressing matters to see to."

Inuyasha Keh'd and turned away allowing his hair to make a swish from his tight ponytail.

As he started to walk he bumped into someone making them fall to the ground. He looked down and saw a woman with midnight black hair.

Without helping the woman up he just walked around her.

Hearing shuffling behind him he turned around just in time to get knocked in the face with a large folder filled with documents. He almost fell to the ground but with quick movements he settled himself as he held his nose which was most likely bleeding.

" Who the hell do you thi-"

He stopped suddenly coming face to face with a smirking Kagome. Older. But still. It was Kagome alright. She looked to be in her mid twenties. Where he was in his late twenties.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She said. Her voice was slightly ruff and husky. 

They stood in the door way of Sesshomaru's office, staring one another until Sesshomaru cleared his throat.

Looking away from each other they blushed a bright red.

"Miss Higurashi. I'd prefer that you didn't throw around my documents." He said with a slight smirk.

Kagome scowled at Sesshomaru.

"Well it's not like I planned to throw them. It was just the closest thing in reach."

Kagome turned to Inuyasha once more and stalked over to him.

Inuyasha took a step back.

"Ka-kagome. Look o didn't mean to-" Kagome cut him off. "Shut up and kiss me."

Quickly wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled his head down and kissed him with a hot passion. Slowly, because he was surprised, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her curvaceous waist. Kissing her back like there was no tomorrow.

AN- Ok I gotta say. It was short....but it was pretty good. Hope you liked it. 😛

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