Magcon and Muffins(Chapter 5)

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Shelby's POV

I woke up and looked at the time. 7:42. Ugh. I'm up so early that means Chloe's not up.

I decide not to wake her considering its Magcon today and I don't want her cranky so get dressed (outfit bellow)

I decide not to wake her considering its Magcon today and I don't want her cranky so get dressed (outfit bellow)

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After I got dressed I went to write Chloe a note saying I was in the lobby and not to worry. I got down to the lobby and just looked around. Ya I have been here a lot but I have never really just looked around.

I go to Starbucks and get a White Chocolate Mocha and 2 chocolate muffins and sit down. A little while later Chloe comes down and finds me. I give her the other muffin and she just giggles. "Why the giggle?' I ask

"It's a muffin" she says in a baby voice. Oh. Right. Shawn. I just nod and finish my stuff and we head back up to the room and I finish getting ready. And Chloe gets ready also. (Her outfit bellow)

I curl my hair in perfect ringlets and Chloe straightened hers

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I curl my hair in perfect ringlets and Chloe straightened hers. We both put a blue bandanna on our wrist mine on my left hers on her right. I would but mine on the right bit I need to cover my scars...

Chloe puts on her normal make up and I put on my glasses. The are an ombre black and white.

Once we finish we get our tickets and go to the room that the event will be held in. It was huge! Well I guess it has to be with all the fans and stuff.

We go in and say hi to a few of our fans and wait for the show to start. And when it did it was hilarious. Like I have never laughed so hard in my life. Probably not true but it saw second in the line up...

We went to the meet and greet and waited in line FOREVER! I tell you even with our channel the fans are harsh. Once it was our turn me and Bird went to separate people. I went to see Nash first. "Hey Nash!" I said as I walked up to him and Matt who was now there.

"Hey.... Shelby." He said remembering my name. You would be surprised how often that happens. "Sorry..." he said and scratched the back of his head with a hint of red on his cheek obviously embarrassed.

" It's fine. You would be surprised how often it happens." I say and laugh a bit. He laughs to. "So nice job on stage." Really Shelby that's the best you can come up with. Ugh this is going nowhere!!!

"Thanks. I didn't know you were there?" He said almost like a question.

"Ya I was. It was very interesting what y'all did." I say and smirk. Idk why...

"We do weird stuff I guess."

"Little bit." We just laugh and I go to Matt and we talk and just whatever. I wonder what Birds doing?

Chloe's POV

Shelby went to Nash first so I went over to Shawn.

I walked up to him and he froze.

"Earth to Shawn" I said and waved my hand in front of his face

"Your Chloe" he said nervously

"Um yea how did you know" I asked

"Cause I'm ur biggest fan!" He said excitedly

"Waitttttt what" I asked

"I watch yours and Shelby's YouTube channel alllll the time" he said

"No way" I said

"Yes way" he said

"By the way out of you and Shelby your by far my favorite" he whispered and I giggled

"Well by far out of Magcon your my favorite"I whispered back which made him giggle

"Can I get your number" he asked shyly

"Sure" I said and he handed me his phone

I created my contact and put my name as 'Chloe✌️' and I put my number

Then the security guard made me go through the next guy.

I soon went to all the guys and we talked and it turns out they are all fans of ChloLee.

I met Shelby at the end and I told her that Shawn is a fangirl and I gave him my number and she freaked out. Then I got a text message from a number I've never seen before

Unknown number:Hey Chloe its Shawn

I saved the contact under 'Shawn✌️' and then texted back

Me:Hey Shawn

Shelby and I walked around and then went back to our hotel.

We got to our room and I somehow tripped and fell into the floor and Shelby bust out laughing.

"Not funny" I said

"Yea it really is" she said still laughing

I got up and the sat on my bed I got on my phone and checked all my social medias. And then I got a call from my mom

Mom:M Chloe:C

C:hey mom

M:hey sweetie how's it going

C:we just got back to the hotel from Magcon which was awesome and yesterday we went to universal

M:that sounds fun

C:yea it's been a lot of fun

M:okay well I got to go. I'll see you Monday night. Love you you too

I hung up the phone and just sat there for a minute

"I want a muffin" I said and got my shoes on

"When do you not want a muffin" Shelby said laughing

"I'll be back just text me if you need me and if I'm not back in 20 minutes then I was kidnapped " I said

"Okay" she said and I left

I got to Starbucks and ordered a chocolate chip muffin and then soon I got my muffin. I turned around and in the corner I saw a guy with a muffin. Shawn.

I walked over to the table he was at and sat down

He looked up

"What are you doing here" he asked

"I needed a muffin so I could keep breathing what about you" I asked

"Same" he said and we both started laughing

"Well I got to go cause I told Shelby if I wasn't back in 20 minutes then I was kidnapped" I said

"Wait your staying at this hotel" he asked

"Yea Room 1308n" I said

"Okay I might have to stop by sometime" he said

"Yea you might have to do that" I said and went back to mine and Shelby's room.

I ate my muffin and then we got ready for bed. I layed down in bed and soon drifted off to sleep


Hey guys it's Shelby and I just want to say thanks so much for reading and that me and Bird will update soon!!! HOPE YOU LIKE IT💕

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