Chapter 8

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I'm laying on the couch reading my book and I hear Colby's phone ding. I look around and see that he is not in the room so I reach over and grab it.

"Colby someone is texting you." I yelled to him.

"Who is it?" He said walking into the living room.

"Uhh Sarai Jones. She wants to know if she can come over and hang out." I said handing him is phone.

"Well would you be okay if she came to my place? She is my friend." Colby said sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Yeah actually tell her to come here and Sam and Arielle can come over to." I said wanting to meet this Sarai.

"That would be great! Thanks babe." He said then he kiss my cheek.

"I like it when you call me babe, babe" I said laughing.

"Well I like it when you laugh." Colby said and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Tell them to be here in twenty minutes." I said.

"Is there anything you want me to do before they come over?"

"You could let me stand to answer the door when they get here."

"Fine just don't hurt yourself self."


~twenty minutes later~

"Is have arrived!" I hear Arielle yell as she and Sam walk in.

"Hey" I said standing up and hugging them both.

"So I hear Sarai is coming over to." Sam said.

"Yeah and she should be here any minute." Colby said as he put his arm around my waist.

We hear a knock on the door.

"I got it." I said walking over to the door which was a little painful.

"Hello you must be Sarai." I said after I opened the door to see a beautiful girl.

"Yeah. Is Colby here?"

"Yes and here he comes now." I said as Colby walked over to the door.

"Hey Sarai." Colby said.

"Hey and I didn't get your name." She said meaning me.

"Ohh Sarai meet my amazing girlfriend Megan." He said putting him arm around me.

"Well come in Sam is here." I said as she walked in.

"It's a cute little place you got here Megan." Sarai said sounding a little sarcastic.

"Thanks." I said back with some attitude.

"Hey Sam." Sarai said to Sam.

"Hey. This is my beautiful girlfriend Arielle." Sam said introducing them.

"It seems you and Colby have been busy." Sarai said laughing.

"Hahaha yeah." I said threw gritted teeth.

"Let's all watch a movie" Colby suggested.

"Sure." I said and everyone else agreed.

Sam and Arielle sat on the floor. Colby sat on the couch and Sarai sat next to him not leaving and room for me anywhere. So I just put in a random movie.

"Where should I sit?" I asked using my puppy dog eyes.

"Well you could pull up a chair." Suggested Sarai with a lot of attitude while she moved closer the Colby.

"Come here babe you can sit on my lap." Colby said.

"Aww thanks babe." I said stepping over Sarai's legs to get to Colby.

"Do you have any water?" Sarai asked.

"Yeah there is some bottles in the fridge." I said and she got up. "And while you are up will you please turn off the lights?"

"Yeah." Sarai said.

I stretched out on the couch which lead to me and Colby spooning on the couch. When Sarai cam back there was no room for her on the couch.

"Ohh I'm sorry did we take your spot?" Colby asked.

"Yeah but it's fine I'll sit on the floor." Sarai said giving my a glare that made me shiver.

"Are you cold?" Cody asked.

"A little but I'll be fine." I said

"Here." Colby said sitting up grabbing the blanket that was at the end of the couch and covering us both with it.

"Thanks." I said.

Half way threw the movie I was getting tired so I turned so I was facing Colby and I buried my face in his chest. Colby pulled he close kissing the top of my head.

I woke up later in the night to see everyone sleeping except for Sarai. I slowly stand up and start walking towards the kitchen. I hear Sarai walking behind me.

"So you think that Colby actually likes you?" She asked as I turned to face her.

"Well why else would he have asked me to be his girlfriend?" I asked back.

"He wants to make me jealous." She said putting her hands in her hips.

"Oh yeah he would definitely hurt someone to get a girl." I said with a lot of sarcasm. "If you think he would do that then you really don't know him.

"I know more about him than you do." She said defensively.

"You probably do but at least I have the guts to tell someone when I like them." I said back. "Ohh and one more thing. If I were you I would stop wasting my time. Because I have a feeling that me and Colby are in it for the long run." And with she walked out the door. I laid back down with Colby and had the best sleep of my life.

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