Chapter 12

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Megan's POV
I need to get out. I need to leave. I can't fucking do this bullshit anymore. This is not how I'm supposed to live my life. I'm supposed to be happy and cheerful. But instead I'm angry and sad...

I dial Arielle and the phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" She answers the phone.

"Come to my car."

"What the fuck Megan?"

"I'll explain later just do it." I say and hang up the phone.

I'm practically running to my car when I hear someone running after me. I don't know who it is so I run faster.

"Megan!" I hear someone yell. "Stop running away it's me!"

"Colby!?" I stop running and turn around. There he is trying to catch up to me. "You have to leave! It's not safe."

"What are you talking about?" He asks. "This is a parking garage."

"I'm sorry I can't tell you. But you need to leave." I say pushing him away.

"Megan tell me what's going on."

"I can't." And before he can say anything else my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say.

"Get rid of him." The familiar voice says.

"I'm trying."

"Fucking get rid of him or you can kiss him goodbye." Then the line goes dead.

"Who was th-"

"Colby I need you to leave." I say cutting him off. I look him in the eyes. "If you don't leave now something very bad will happen." He nods. He gets it. Without saying a word he kisses my forehead and then leaves.

Why? I ask myself. Why can't he just leave me alone?

Then I hear something. A crash. I look around I'm the only one here. And then I realize I'm not alone. I look up and there he is. The worst person I have ever met. He jumps down in front of me.

"Finally I thought he would never leave." He says then grabs me by the waist and pulls me close. "Now I can have you just like the good old days."

"No!" I yell at him.

"Oh you must have forgotten all I have done for you little miss Megan. I was the one that was there for you when everyone else had left."

"You were the reason they left in the first place!" I yell trying to get free of his grip.

"I haven't seen you in a long time. You have grown. Does your little friend know about us?"

"No because there was no us. You just used me to get what you wanted."

"That's not true my little one. You used me to get away. I just took my payment whenever I wanted." He said smiling his nasty smile.

"You're sick. You need help!" I yell finally getting free.

"That is why I came to you. I need your help." He said biting his lip coming closer to me. "Nobody else could do what you do to me. I need you back." He said pushing me up against the wall and forcefully kissing me.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I say kicking him in the groin. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Arielle. Then she's gone. She knows exactly what's going on. She knows what to do.

"You little bitch. You know you can't say no to me." He says grabbing me by the neck.

I look him straight in the eye. I will not let him know I'm terrified. "You are a piece of shit."

"Oh how cute we are already giving each other little pet names"

Then in the distance I hear a car coming. He doesn't seem to hear it. I know that Arielle has called the police.

"You'll never get away with what you've done to me and so many others." I barely say. He's tightening his grip on my neck and I can barely breathe. "I see it." I say. He looks at me confused then he turns around and sees the police cars pulling up. He let's go if me and tries to run but they catch him. He's finally gone.

I'm on the ground trying to catch my breath and Arielle comes running up to me.

"Are you okay? I thought he was never coming back. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." She was starting to cry.

"Arielle it's over now. Nothing else matters." I say and we hug and cry together.

Colby's POV
I'm in the apartment with Sam. We are trying to figure what is going on. Megan and Arielle are both gone. We don't know what's happening.

We hear a knock on the door and I run to answer it. I see them both. They are holding hands their eyes are red from crying.

"We need to talk." Arielle says.

"Come in. Sit down." I say leading them to the living room where Sam is.

Arielle goes straight to Sam and sits next to him. Megan just stands in the middle of the room. She just looks right at me.

"Do you wanna sit down?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything she just slowly comes and sits by me. Once she is closer to me I can see she has red marks on her neck. "Megan what happened?"

"I'll tell you." She says.

And she does tell us. She tells us about everything that happened today. Everything that happened before she moved here. Arielle is there to fill in the spots that Megan can't. They tell us about this man. This horrible man. That ruined them in different ways. Why they can't go back to certain places. Why they can't do certain things. Why they are the way they are. And after they tell us everything. Me and Sam don't know what to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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