How To Dab

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Step 1: Remain in a neutral position, standing upright. It is important that you do not look as if you are about to dab; an element of surprise is crucial in order to astound your audience.

Step 2: Raise your arms to one side of your body. One arm should be fully extended outward, while the other, which is closest to your chest, should be bent at the elbow. Keep the palms of your hands flat; clenched fists do not have the same dab appeal as open palms. This being said, your palms should be face down.

Step 3: Duck your head into the crevice of your bent elbow and pause; you are now in the peak position of The Dab. This step of The Dab has often been compared to the action of sneezing into one's elbow.

 This step of The Dab has often been compared to the action of sneezing into one's elbow

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There are many variations of The Dab.

While Step 1 is my personal preference, the start of a dab may deviate from the norm as needed.

Some dabbers choose to make it obvious that a dab is about to be hit. The flicking of either or both wrists in a stylish matter before dabbing has been considered an acclaimed pre-dab motion.

Combining The Dab with The Whip/Nae Nae is a popular choice of dance, seeing as the two are similar in style and difficulty.

Step 2 & 3 are the key factors of a dab. It is usual for the two steps to be done in one swift motion. Some dabs are more casual, while some are more precisely hit. Though closed fist dabs are not as often seen and lack the same appeal, some prefer to dab that way. In fact, some dabbers like to face outward instead of tucking their head in their elbow (scandalous, right?).

 In fact, some dabbers like to face outward instead of tucking their head in their elbow (scandalous, right?)

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There many different stylizations and varying factors that can make a dab unique. I have listed a few of these popular dab versions below.

The Low Dab
The dabber's knees are bent during this dab. One either drops low as they hit the dab or before hitting the dab. All in all, dropping low is a sure way for your dab to be praised as cool. Be careful not to drop lower than you are capable of; you could lose your balance and end up on the floor in a puddle of your own tears, utterly ashamed of your dab failure.

The Triple Dab
This dab is best completed while in sync to music or a good beat. Hit the dab as usual, then switch sides, dabbing into your other elbow. Then, to complete the move in its entirety, revert back to your original dab in the previous elbow.

Rejection DabThis dab is exclusively done when going in to hug someone, give a handshake, high five, etc

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Rejection Dab
This dab is exclusively done when going in to hug someone, give a handshake, high five, etc. Just as you are about to complete the action, hit the dab instead. You may leave the other person baffled, dumbfounded, amazed, or disappointed. This form of dab may not be received well by certain demographics. Keep in mind who you are rejecting when hitting this dab.

Here are some ways to change up the style and flair of your dab:

• Bending or bouncing your knees (especially while in a dance setting)

• Adjusting the angle at which you dab (45°, 60°, 420°...)

• Timing your dab accordingly during a song, or perhaps being off-beat on purpose

• Faking a dab before actually doing one

• Making your motions either smoother or more spasm-like

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