Chapter three

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After the leg incident we continued eating making some small talk. I found he's 15 and he found out I'm a worthless bum. Hey it's progress.

"John can you come with me to the bathroom pretty please?"

What the fuck. He's a boy boy he's not gonna fall down the damn toliet.

"Um sure no problem."

Walking into the low scale dirty as a rats anus bathroom Paul quickly went into a stall. I lingered around the soap dispenser that faintly looked like custard.

After waiting a small amount of time Paul came out a bit red in the cheeks.

He washed and dried his hands but as I was about to open the door something I can't even explain happen.

He took a few short steps toward me and 'kissed' me. I say 'kissed' cause all the cute fucker really did was smash his mouth against mine.

After he let up he looked me in the eyes with the expression only describable as "I'm bout to suck your dick dry"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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