Chapter 2 (✓)

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The school day went by in a breeze and Chante only left her when they have there different classes at the end of the day. Chnate had Geo Chem and Gym. While Mackenzie had Pre-Calc then Band.
"Mom I am home..." Mackenzie called as she walked in the door to there small two story house.
"How was the first day back?" She heard her mom call from the kitchen.
"Good, if was good to see Thomas, Iciclea, and Chante again..." Mackenzie said walking up the stairs and going into her room.
"Hey Blue" she said petting the blueish colored dog that came out from under her bed.
Blue barked, and wagged her tail. Blue hid under Mackenzies bed untill she got home back cause she was the only one she likes. She would bite at Timmy, growl at mom, and stare at Dad untill he was well away from Mackenzie. Just them her ears perked up and she went to the window.
There was a small girl about 9 walking along the street looking for something and calling a name.
Mackenzie went down stairs and outside to the girl. "Hello who are you looking for?" Mackenzie asked bending down so the girl didn't have to look up at her.
" M-My doggie" the little girl said. "H-hes brown and his name is Rex."
"Ok" she said smiling, "lets go find your doggie, Rex"
They spent 3 hours looking for the dog before Blue sniffed him out. He was walking threw the woods light blue collar around his neck.
"Come on Rex, Here Boy!" The little girl called.
Rex stayed.
"Come here Rex" I said and the dog came to me. "Let's get you to home, it's getting late" We walked untill we got to the little girls house. The dog, Rex, and Blue not far behind.
"Thank you so much for helping her" the girl's mother said as Rex and the girl walked inside.
"No problem" Mackenzie said petting Blue with one hand "I have always been good with animals."
"Good night" then the lady shut the door. The street lights had started turning on, and Blue started walking closer to me. "I hate being out at late night" Mackenzie said to Blue, "theres to many bugs and creepy crawlies"

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