The Family

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"I'm sorry... I'm soo sorry Mikasa" you said in between whimpers. "I understand you now... why you're so quiet. I thought I understood your pain... I was wrong" you said whilst holding back the tears from your (e/c) eyes. "So very wrong"...

Earlier This Morning;

At the sound of the clamour of the early morning Shiganshina market, you slowly began to open your (e/c) eyes whilst listening to the normal shopkeepers yelling out deals and the chattering townspeople. "I should really get up, but five more minutes won't hurt" you thought to yourself. You were so used to the early morning racket that you could easily fall back into a deep sleep.

"(F/N)! IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!" Now that would always wake you up in an instant. The years of living with your mother and sister you understood that your mum hated people who wasted the day sleeping and there would be consequences for not being up on time.

You sprang up from your bed and began your normal morning routine. This includes making your bed and cleaning your teeth. You would have a shower but you grew to learn that showering was one of those luxuries that the people of Shiganshina could not have regularly. The last part of your morning was the worst, checking your automail arm. It's been a year since the incident and you still weren't used to the whole 'having a metal arm' thing. Once you finished you head downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Mei, morning mum" you said with a yawn. "Morning (F/N)" they both replied almost in sync. You sat by your sister Mei at the table and began to eat you breakfast which was only bread, "the usual" you thought to yourself. Your sister Mei is 8 years old whereas you are 11. She is very intelligent for her age and reminds you a lot of Armin for that, you're fairly certain the small blonde coconut has a crush on your sister anyways. "(F/N)", the sound of your mother's voice brought you out of your trance. "Yes mum" you replied politely. "I've been thinking for a while and I think it's time I gave you an important gift" she said whilst cleaning the dishes. Hearing this gave you a happy yet puzzled expression on your face. "Hey, no fair I want a present!" Mei whined. You mother ignored this, put the dishes away and walked over to you. She knelt down so she was eye level with you and looked directly into your (e/c) orbs. "This is very important (F/N), you understand?" she said with a serious expression. At this you audibly gulped and Mei was silent. You nodded and she proceeded. "You are to only give this to the most important person in your life when you are older". She then removed a necklace from around her neck and placed it around yours. You notice that there was a ring on the necklace which confused you. "What do you mean mum?" was your only response. "You'll understand when your older sweetie" she said in a cheerful voice and stood up. "But I ..."


You got up and answered the door to see some familiar faces. "Hey (F/N)" was the first thing that came out of your best friend Eren's mouth. You noticed that Mikasa was behind him, quiet as usual; however you were surprised that she gave a small wave to you. "Hey guys" you responded cheerfully with a smile. You turned to your mum knowing that they were here to ask if you could go out and play. Your mum nodded and you went out with them.

After talking for a little while with them, well mainly Eren and some input from Mikasa here and there, you decided that you guys would go and find Armin.

As if on cue the intelligent blonde ploughed right into you collapsing at your knees. "Hey what's wrong Armin?" you asked him. He then looked up to you and you saw all you needed to see, tears running down his face with cuts and bruises all around his cheeks. You looked at him straight in the eyes and asked "Where are they?", "They were chasing me so they should be close behind, they should arrive right about... now" he responded.

The three bullies walked round the corner when Armin said so, "Wow this kid is smart" you thought to yourself. "Guys don't get into a fight to protect me; don't stoop to their level please!" Armin begged.

"We won't fight them unless they attack us first" Mikasa replied. You then looked at Eren and Mikasa and then nodded, they did the same back. They knew exactly what you were going to do.

"Well it looks like the heretic has ran to his little friends" the leader of the group said. The other two bullies noticed who you were and began to get afraid; especially that Mikasa and Eren were with you. You noticed that they started whispering to the leader and he just laughed. You knew they were warning him, he must be new around here, which was his mistake.

"It looks like my friends here are scared of you guys, so if you let us take the heretic off your hands I won't hurt you", at this you smirked. "Sure he's all yours" you responded opening your arms as you, Eren and Mikasa moved out of the way revealing Armin wide eyed in a corner. You then winked at him to give him some insurance that it would be fine.

The leader made his way forward to Armin and hoisted him up by the collar; he then made a fist and went to punch Armin in the face. *CRUNCH* that was the sound of his fist colliding with your metal arm, breaking all the bones in his hand. "Aaaaaaaaaargh!" he screamed in pain. You followed this up with a punch to the face, breaking his nose in the process therefore knocking him to the ground with a thud.

At the same time Eren and Mikasa had both made a move on the other bullies bringing them both to the ground also. "Your some kind of freak, you know that!" the leader shouted at you. "Well at least I'm not a bully, I hate bullies! And I don't want to see you or your friends around here again, you got that!" you yelled. The two bullies then grabbed their leader and ran away as fast they could, tripping as they round the corner. You sighed and lay down.

"Sorry about using you as bait like that Armin, we planned this to stop them for good this time" Eren explained. "It's alright, I knew you guys wouldn't sell me out like that" he replied. "Your damn right" you said from your spot on the ground. "You understood what I was doing when I looked at you; you're the smartest person I know". At this Armin smiled. "You should help Eren out, Mikasa and I had to explain the plan over 5 times to him and you understood by looking at me hahaha". At this even Mikasa smiled at, but Eren wasn't too pleased "I was just worried for Armin okay (F/N)"he whined. You guys spent the remainder of the day just talking about the outside world and that you would one day escape the walls and see it for yourselves.

"Do you guys think we'll ever beat the Titans beca....." Armin began


"What was that?" you asked. You all got up and rushed to the market to see I giant hand on top of the wall.

"Bu...But...But that's impossible, that walls 50 metres high" Armin stuttered


Well that's Chapter 1 guys, hope you enjoyed it! I want to continue this story and I plan on doing so depending on how well it's received. Comments and ideas for this story would be greatly appreciated thank you, until the next time goodbye  :D


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