The Aftermath

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After the battle, thanks to the joint effort of the scout regiment and the garrison regiment, wall rose once again stood strong against the titans. It took an entire day to kill off all the titans along the perimeter of Trost where the wall mounted cannons fired endlessly. Any titans that weren't caught in the blast were killed off by the scouts, there were even two titans captured in the process, a 4 meter and a 7 meter. Sadly 207 people were either dead or missing with 897 were injured; this proved the victory to be a costly one.

Once the battle was over you were finally forced into the infirmary by Mikasa due to the ridiculous amount of injuries you had received. "I don't care if you don't like doctors you're going and that's final!" she yelled at you "But I..." "I don't care if you think you're fine" she interrupted you; "You're not dying on me again". "Fine" you grumbled, the only reason you didn't want to go was because you would have to sit on your own with other people who had head injuries, and you knew that they would be complaining loudly.

You went in and gave them your name and told them the problem, you were then escorted to a small room where you would be treated when it was your turn. There were soo many casualties that people had to share the rooms and luckily for you someone you knew was in the same one as you.

As you opened the door you noticed a friendly face, "Mina?" you questioned, "Oh (F/N) hey" she replied surprised to see you. "What are you doing here?" she asked as you sat down in one of the chairs. "Mikasa made me come here to get fixed up, even though I feel fine" you said annoyed, "well she's right you don't look it that's for sure". You looked at Mina and acted hurt by what she said "And I thought we were friends Mina" you said with a hand on your heart in mock pain. She smiled at this and said "in all seriousness though you look worse than when I last saw you, what happened?". "Where do I begin? Hmmm... right first I had to head-butt Reiner, then I got shot in the shoulder trying to save my friends, knocked unconscious and then almost punched by Titan Eren... so a pretty normal day to be honest" you finished. "Wait did you say titan Eren?" she asked confused, "Oh yeah that's a long story actually" you said whilst scratching the side of your head. "We've got time" Mina retorted crossing her legs.

After explaining everything to Mina a doctor came in and examined you. He went on to treat your injuries and stitched the gash in your head. After he left you were free to leave but you decided to ask Mina one last question. "Hey Mina which division are you planning to join?", "Well I was gonna join the scouts but I'm not so sure anymore". There was a short pause until she said "I don't think I'm cut out for the scouts so I guess the garrison when I'm recovered". "Do you want to take my spot in the military police?" you asked since you were joining the scouts you can have someone else take your place.

(This couldn't happen in the manga/anime it's just how I want Mina's story to go)

"Wait are you serious?" she asked with a smile on her face. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" you said trying to hold back a smile. You looked at her and she looked like she was about to cry. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you cry" you said putting a hand on her shoulder whist kneeling to her level since she was sitting. She looked up and smiled and some tears fell "No I'm ... I'm just soo happy... nobody has ever been this kind to me" she said wiping her eyes as she jumped at you and hugged you. "It's really no problem at all haha" you said struggling to keep in your laughter. "I'm joining the scouts anyway so just make so to keep in contact with us" you finished as she finally let go. "I will don't worry and thanks again", "no problem, I'm gonna go help with the clean-up operation so I'll see you later" you said whilst opening the door, "Yeah see you later... oh and (F/N)" you looked at her "If you don't tell Mikasa soon I'll tell her myself" she said with a huge smile. You blushed slightly and said "Yeah yeah" and walked off.

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