Chapter 2:What have I Done

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Me:Hi guys chapter 2 here,and I actually rethought about having Laney not help me commentate.You may say why not Corey too.Again having him in the commentation spot would be a total wreck for the story.


Corey's POV

"...Goodbye forever,I QUIT!"Lanes yelled as she left.

What the hell have I done!She's going to California to her abusive(I mean bullying kind of abusive not the other kind!) father!She can be killed that way!God damn my mouth!If she dies there it's all on me.

"Great going Corey!We lost her now!"Kin said.

"We gotta stop her.If she gets there it'll be a hell house!"I said.

"Corey,calm down.Let her cool off and she'll come back,"Kon said.

"Okay,"I sighed.

Please let Kon be right for once!I don't want someone to die because of me.I wish this was all just a dream.That this never really happened.After,practice I went straight to my room to think.I just really hope Lanes will be okay.When I was asleep I heard a faint buzzing sound.It was my phone,when I picked it up I dropped it in shock.It was from Laney's mom,Laney was missing.Hell no.The words "my fault" was racing through my head.Laney is gone...forever.

"All my one else's but mine,"I muttered.

I knew right then I lost my best friend,and she'll never come back.No,she is still in Peacevill,somewhere.I just have to find her.I get up put on my clothe and head out.


Me:Finally Corey realized what he has done,and he’s looking for Lanes.Will he find her in time?Find out next time on….

Lanes:What did I say about TDI!And please tell me he doesn't find me.

Me:I’m not a spoiler Lanes.And sorry for the TDI thing,I was just in the mood.

Lanes:*sigh*Thanks for coming out everyone!

Me:Till next time!

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