Chapter 3:Running Away

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Me:Hi guys!This is chapter 3 here,so far Laney quitted the band and ran away.Corey is now looking for her.

Lanes:Aww man!

Me:Lanes don't be such a wet blanket!



Laney's POV

I can't take this anymore!Corey is so fucking oblivious!He can write lyrics,he just doesn't try hard enough!However, I remember saying that I'm going to California,but I won't do that.I'm not that insane!Instead,I'm just gonna change everything about me,and start over.I head home,and grabbed some of my things.Luckily no one was home.Then I dyed my hair a brownish red like my sister Ashly's hair(She actually dyes it),and change my clothe to all black.After all of this,I climbed down a tree that reached down to my room.I decided to run away to my aunt's house.I used to go there when I was 4 years old,I stopped going because of Corey,which makes it more of a reason to go.However,I needed to call her and talk about it.I rummaged through my bag to find my phone,then BAM!I ran into a person.I couldn't see their face because I wasn't looking at the time,and it was pitch dark.

"I'm so sorry,"the person apologized.

"It's okay,"I said.

I finally look up to see who I bumped into.It was Corey.No fucking way.

"Are you okay?"Corey asked me helping me up,"Who are you?"

"First off I'm fine.Second off my name is...Leila,"I stammered looking to the ground,or what seems to be a broken phone,"Man my phone!"

"Oh my god!I'm so sorry,"he apologized.

"Great,now I need to use a payphone!"I said in raged.

"Here use my phone'"Corey said handing me his phone.

"Thanks,"I said.

I call my aunt and asked her if I can stay with her.She agreed if I would do chores for her.I handed Corey back his phone.

"Oh and by the way have you seen a redhead girl about your height storm by?"Corey asked.

"Nope!"I said quickly.

"Hey do you play bass?"Corey said picking up my bass case.

"Yeah why?"I asked even though I can guess why.

"Well my band might need a new bass player if I can't find my friend on time..."Corey said sadly.

"What's wrong guy?"I asked.

"It's just that my friend running away is my fault,"Corey choked.

Then and there I felt a whole lot of guilt.I felt horrible!Why am I doing this to poor Core,but how do I know if he really cares?Maybe I can go undercover to find out.Maybe then I'll finally know if I was pitted on or not.I'll stay low for at least 2 weeks,then reveal myself.I just hope I won't get caught in the act.Mainly,doing this in the first place was very stupid.


Me:Leila,really Lanes.

Lanes:What I panicked. comment.

Lanes:Thanks for coming out everyone.

Me:Till next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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