imagine number three

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This one goes out to a Wattpad user who has decided to hide her identity. And it's about...


Jacob Sartorius!

Have fun reading it! ;)


Jacob Sartorius had just finished recording a video with Bryan Le a.k.a RiceGum. Once he stopped the recording, he immediately brought out his phone and checked the notifications on his

"Woah, I got so many likes on my latest!" He exclaimed.

Rice Gum clapped. "Good for you." He went downstairs to grab a drink.

Jacob's stomach grumbled. They had been recording for two hours and he was super hungry. "Yo, you got any food in the fridge?" He yelled.

The rustle of a plastic bag was heard, and soon RiceGum was back. "I got some meat sausages in this bag. You want me to heat them?"

The thirteen year-old shook his head. He was starving, and honestly didn't care whether the food was hot or cold.

Bryan left the food next to Jacob and went inside the bathroom to change. Jacob dug in and ate about three sausages when he suddenly felt like puking.

"Eugh, why do I feel like this," he mumbled, looking around for a label on the food. He finally saw a sticker and widened his eyes when he read it.

Bradley's Meat Sausages for Dogs.

His stomach turned, and he brought his hand up to his mouth while searching for the nearest bathroom. Bryan was taking his time in the one on his room, playing Sweatshirt loudly. Jacob ran down the stairs and opened the door to the kitchen bathroom.

He kneeled next to the toilet and puked up the gross but oddly delicious dog food. He suddenly felt dizzy and blacked out.

*** (i love 99 skinny ok)

Jacob's eyes fluttered open. He looked around him and saw white walls. The smell of alcohol was strong, and he was in a bed. A nurse walked into the room and jumped once she saw him awake.

"Woah, you scared me!" She sat down on a stool next to him. "So, how are you feeling?"

He scratched the nape of his neck. "Kinda gross. Why am I here anyway?"

"Well, a man named Bryan said he accidentally fed you dog food then found you knocked out cold on the bathroom floor. He even said your vomit was still in the toilet," she laughed. "He left because he says he still had to make a video with someone...was his name Weston? Yeah I think so."

Jacob sighed. "Was I poisoned or something? Maybe that's why my tummy turned," he stated.

The nurse nodded. "Yeah, also..."

He cocked his head to the side. "Also what?" Wasn't it enough that he was poisoned? What else could he be feeling now?

"There's something else..." she trailed off again. He raised an eyebrow.

"We did some tests and...we found out you were pregnant." She played with her fingers.

His jaw dropped. What? "Um, but I'm a boy. That's not possible," he said, stating the obvious.

She laughed nervously. "Yeah. You're actually the first male to be pregnant," she clapped quietly. This is nothing to applaud to!

The star's whole life was crashing. He was pregnant! Why him? Why not Harry Styles? Why not John Cena? Why him?

He wanted to scream and run away. But with a baby floating in his tummy, that was impossible.

Could this day get any worse?


OKAY, let me get this straight...

One, I have NOTHING against Jacob Sartorius. As it says, this imagine was REQUESTED. I only followed the request and didn't write out of hate. So do not comment telling me that I am soooo mean to do this to him. If you are planning to comment something like that, please read the second sentence of this paragraph repeatedly until you got the idea.

Second, this imagine was actually fun to write. It leans toward humor, and I really love funny and unbelievable stories.

Okay, that's all! By the way, I had just finished reading 99 Skinny before writing this, and I loved it so much. If you love 5sos, adoption fanfics, and plot twists, you'll love 99 Skinny!

Feel free to request anything!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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