Chapter 18

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Last night was great it took my mind off Brandon a little. I told the girls and Damarli what happened and they were happy for me. Odane and I texted last night. Probably why I'm walking up at ten in the morning. We spend all night on the phone. It went a little like this.


Hey, it's Odane

Hey, how are you

Just missing you :)
How about we get to know each other?

I blush at that
K,20 questions?


I'll start, what is your full name?

Odane Michael Bhansi, yours?

Amoi Alyssa Chambers

Cool, D.O.B?

January 7,1999..yours?

January 10, 1996..look at that we already have something in common :D

Yeah, uh..fave colour...mines yellow

Blue..fave food..

And it continued until the 20 questions were up then he made some jokes. Some were dumb so i told him (yeah I'm straightforward) and some were funny so i cracked up and had a really great time. If he's this awesome over texts and phone calls what about in person.

I spent my Saturday evening shopping for my date. Yeah its a tad early but i was so exited. I told him i hate theaters so no more bad dates for muah.

"Ready yet?" Alice groaned behind me.

"No! You love shopping but you wanna go home? Im surprised" i said heading over to a rack of dresses as ma girls hold my oh so many bags. I wonder how I'll pay for all these.

"Its been over 5 hours since we got here"Alya said

"Ok fine. Were heading to the shoe store across the street. Lets get these paid for" i went up to the cashier and checked out my things. We went out and put the stuffs in Alya's car and as I was about to cross the road two pair of arm dragged me throwing me into the car. "What the fudge guys?"

"I'm tired and my feet hurts and I know you wouldn't listen so we did what was necessary to get you home" I looked at them unbelievably. Ugh

I spent my Sunday in my home watching TV and having the girls come over. We did some homework and chatted our teachers a little but we mostly talked about boys. I realized that both me and Alice are dating but Alya is single. "Girl, we gotta find you a man" was Alice's comment but Alya said she preferred staying single for now.

I stepped in school with a huge smile only face. Something I hardly did over the past month. My phone was in my hand. I suddenly bumped into a hard chest sending my phone on the floor. I hurriedly bent and picked it up muttering a 'sorry'. I stood up to give the person a proper apology but he was saying "oh my gosh, im sorry i didnt see you there"
I looked up smiling at him then when i noticed who it was my smile faded.
"Uh..sorry.. Ive gotta go"

"Amoi" he grabbed on to my hand "Amoi we gotta talk"

"We have nothing to talk about Brandon. Youve obviously found someone and i have too."

"Can we atleast be friends?" He asked hopefully but i just walked away not answering.

I saw Amoi walking down the hallway with her phone in hand grinning like a retard. Im the only one who should cause her to smile like that. I walked in her direction with my phone in hand and bumped in her on purpose making it seem like an accident. She picked up her phone saying sorry. I was apologising also pretending that i didnt noticed who she was. When she realized it was me she muttered another sorry and said she had to go. She said we had nothing to talk about. She said i found someone and so has she. Its that guy from the bar, i bet. He's even older than her. When i asked her if she wanted to be friends she just walked away not replying.

One question i have for myself. Why am i so desperate for this girl when so many others out there want me?

She's in the cafeteria most times when I make out with Nadia and i dont ever see her once staring at us.

After school i grabbed her arm and dragged her in the nearest classroom before she could exit.
"Are you and bar guy a thing now?" Ok not the best question right now but i needed to know. She shouldnr be moving on already.

"Are you and Nadia a thing now?" She fired back at me and slipped out of my hand running out like her life depended on it.

Just a filler chapter.



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