Steve Parker

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My parents would never let me talk about him because he was known as "the black sheep of the family", well... That's what they call it... But I think I better tell Nadyn about... Knowing her, she will always get the information that she needs...

"I know this is gonna sound a bit creepy but here it goes..." I told her, "His name used to be Steve Parker but he changed it to Parker, he used to be in the military but he was kicked out because he told the nazis one of their biggest secrets... After that incident, his wife and his children left him, and that's when he went nuts!.. His brother decided to place him in an asylum for how many weeks then he was released because the nurses and doctors thought he was fine but they were wrong... 2 weeks has passed and he started kidnapping girls ages 12..."

"OMG! We're the same age as them!" she said...

"Yeah, well you don't know even know the half of what happened... So he would kidnap those girls then he would rape them and keep them for approximately 3 days and kill them... He would even keep a piece of their hair and clothes... He did that for 4 weeks straight, but one day he kidnapped his daughter from school and he raped her and he almost killed her but she was very lucky because the police got there in time... He was sent back to asylum and that's where he commited suicide..."

"How?" she asked... "He hung himself..."

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