Chapter 1- hi there

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Ella's P.O.V

"Hi there"

"Hi there"

"Hi there"

"Hi there"

"Hi there"

"WHAT IS IT!!!!!!" Niki yelled as I was poking her. "What ya doing?" I said happy. " ducks by pewds." niki said. (PewDiePie fans Ella thought of that) "can I watch? I LOVE PEWDS!!!!!!!" I yelled. "Yesh. I guess dis can be? what do you think mr.chair!!!!!" niki said exsited. "Ok idiots! you can watch PEWDS!" mr.chair said as we think about him.We sat for a while and watched pewds.

Niki's P.O.V

I got bored after a while trying to share the seat with Ella. I got up and decided to leave. But as soon as my butt left that chair Ella grabbed my arm and said ''Wait!!!! Can you take me with you!'' "How?" I asked. she responded with "maybe.... a piggy back ride!''.I sighed, "fine." I said. "YAY!" She responded as she jumped on my back. By the time i got downstairs i didn't even feel like doing anything anymore. My back was to saw.

It was like ella could read my mined because when my back started hurting she instantly said ''you want a massage'' "YES!!!!" I said as i flopped to the ground. It was like the angels of heaven were rubbing my back because i couldn't get up after she finished.


That's a true story! naa I just wanted to tell you guys how idiotic we are and that will addvently happen.


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