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Ishq vishq


Manik Malhotra
A cute boy, his family( Fab5) is his everything. He is the lead singer of Fab 5 girls love him but he only believes in true love that only happens once

nandini MurtyA broken girl who doesn't believe in love she  thinks it's a word that everyone use and of they had enough they just trow you away

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nandini Murty
A broken girl who doesn't believe in love she  thinks it's a word that everyone use and of they had enough they just trow you away.
Her parents died when she was 15 and lived with het chacha and chachi but when she turned 18 she went to Mumbai to become something big
But she is cute and pretty ofcourse😉 has a brother aryaman

Her parents died when she was 15 and lived with het chacha and chachi but when she turned 18 she went to Mumbai to become something bigBut she is cute and pretty ofcourse😉 has a brother aryaman20years

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fab 5,= manik, alya, dhruv, Cabir and mukthi.

Alya saxena
A pretty girl with à bad brother, she is in love with dhruv ( never been in a relation with manik) they have been together for 4 years.

Dhruv kapoorA hot cute boy who is madly in love with alya is a little shy and a soft boy but you should not mess with his fab5 or navya and abhi23 years

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Dhruv kapoor
A hot cute boy who is madly in love with alya is a little shy and a soft boy but you should not mess with his fab5 or navya and abhi
23 years

Dhruv kapoorA hot cute boy who is madly in love with alya is a little shy and a soft boy but you should not mess with his fab5 or navya and abhi23 years

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