Horseback Riding

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Me and Jeremy's relationship has been going great. Today was going to be our one year anniversary! Me and him didn't like exchanging gifts that much, so we agreed that we would go horseback riding together.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked Jeremy.

"As ready as I'll ever be babe."

We got our helmets on. Mine was pink and Jeremy's was blue with red polka dots on it. Luckily for me, I still remember how to ride a horse because I learned how to do it at 5th grade camp. Jeremy on the other hand, had never ridden a horse in his entire life.

I chose a horse named Chad and Jeremy's horse was named George. One of the workers set a stool on the ground so we could get on to our horses easier. I stepped on the stool and swung one leg over the horse and then completely sat down.

Jeremy did the same. My horse was white and his horse was brown. In order to ride a horse, you have to put the reins on the bottom of its neck and then squeeze its body a little bit with your legs.

Me and Jeremy did this then we were off. The horses started running. We were on these horses in the forest so we had to pull the reins one way to turn the horse. There were a ton of really sharp turns.

We were racing around the forest on out horses for a couple of hours now. It was so fun. It was getting a little late at night. I took some time to look at the beautiful sunset in front of me. I even stopped my horse and everything.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked Jeremy.

"Yes it's beautiful but not as beautiful as you." He said while smiling.

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