Out Of Curiosity

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(Sorry to the people who do not ship it, I like it honestly. No smut. Pure fluff. Enjoy)

Aron (Deuce) x Danny

(1,617 words)

Danny's POV

Everyone tells me about Deuce. Or Aron, as they call him. Matt says he's an asshole, George hates his guts, and Jorel kind of misses him. He told me about the friendship. It sounded great, until something happened. They don't tell me in detail though. Dylan, and Jordon could care less about him. I want to know more about him.

So I do my own research on my own time. Since Reese and I split up, and I only get Scarlett on the weekends, and holidays, I have more free time on my hands. Meaning I can do more.

Everyone goes to bed on the bus. I'm the only one up. I look up Aron's Facebook, and I start out with adding him as my friend. It didn't take him long to accept it, which kinda freaked me out some. I scroll through his profile.

Single, openly gay, lives in Los Angeles

I sit there in satisfaction. I wasn't sure if I should text him or not...the guys told me to stay away from him. Even though I scrolled through his page. I crack a sly smile as I pull up Messenger and I text him. A little bit of fear flooded my stomach, but I kept my cool.

Hi, Its Danny. From....HU...You probably heard a lot of bad things about me. I just want to know more about you, since the guys won't tell me.... -Sent at 12:03 AM

I was extremely nervous. I was hoping he would respond. While I waited, I looked at some pictures. He was really cute. Tall, lanky, but also strong. I was grinning like an idiot as I looked at pictures.
Aron's POV

I was laying in bed, half asleep when my phone goes off.
I take a closer look, and I realize that it's a friend request from...holy shit it's Daniel from Hollywood Undead. I really didn't expect it from him because everyone probably told him that I am a bad person. Which I'm not. They're all dicks. Well, maybe Daniel isn't.

After I accepted his friend request, I scrolled through his page. I kinda felt bad when I saw his relationship status.

Divorced, now single.

I really felt bad. I knew Theresa wasn't good enough for him. She was a slut most of her life. I can't believe she had a kid with him. But that little girl was adorable. She looked like Theresa more than Daniel though. Suddenly, I get a message from him. I felt kinda happy, and I read it carefully.

Hey, it's Danny...from...HU...You probably heard a lot of bad things about me. I just want to know more about you, since the guys won't tell me.... -Received at 12:03 AM

Well hello, Daniel. I haven't heard anything bad about you. You probably heard more about me. Enlighten me on what you want to know. -Sent at 12:04 AM

It's odd that he's texting me at such an early hour, but the guys would pulverize him for talking to me in front of them. I smile slightly.

Well..is your profile picture really you...? -Received at 12:06 AM

Sent a photo
Yes, it's me. I can't tell for you though. You've got that mask as yours. -Sent at 12:07 AM

I had a feeling that Daniel could be blushing at my photo. It took him awhile to respond. Maybe he was speechless. I start to laugh a little at my smartass self. Then he finally responds.

Danny sent a photo
Well, here's me... -Received at 12:14 AM

Not bad. Honestly, why couldn't Theresa like you? - Sent at 12:14 AM

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