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"Wendy Darling of course."

Huh, Wendy Darling.  How could I have not see that coming?  She plays a big part in Peter Pan's history, according to what I have read anyway.  It's been said that Wendy was Peter's first love, which surprises me a little since I cannot picture Peter have anything to do with love.  'Love' is not suited in his vocabulary.

But anyhow, Wendy Darling as a prize?  That's a bit...much; to have a girl as the reward.  How in the world does this prize thing even work?  Does the winner get to have a date with Wendy or something?  If that's the case, that's kinda disappointing.  Well, maybe not for the boys since who knows how long they've witnessed a girl.  I know I am a girl, but I guess I'm not what the lost boys are looking for.

"So, where is Wendy anyway?" I asked Peter after all the lost boys had gotten right back to training. 

"In a cage somewhere." He said casually, as if it was perfectly normal.

My eyebrows shot up.  "Well then."

Neither one of us said anything else afterwards, and the awkward tension in the air was building up.  These are the type of situations I hate.

"I should go.  You know, to get my prize." He finally said, breaking the silence which made me quite relieved. 

"Wait!  What are you gonna do with her?" I stopped him before he could leave.  This curious brain of mine just can't seem to settle itself today.  Peter's lips curved into a smirk; a puzzling smirk that I didn't understand.

"Who wants to know." He licked his lips for a brief second, which also happens to be one of his bad habits besides smirking.

"Uh, I want to know." I told him.

"Hm," He took a few steps towards me. "Why?"

"I'm curious, that's all." I said, looking at him oddly. Damn, all I ask is one simple question and he can't even answer it without being a prick.

"Nosy much?" He persisted, cocking a brow. I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit offended.

"Fine. Don't tell me." I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes at him.

Peter waved his hand 'bye' with a clearly fake smile. In return, I gave him the middle finger as he walked away in the opposite direction, probably heading to where Wendy was. Once Peter was no longer in sight, I sighed happily in delight. Things always seem to be better when he's not around.

Suddenly, I heard the footsteps of someone walking up behind me and before they could get any closer, I turned around to see who this person was. I looked up and the smile was quickly wiped away from my face. Not because I didn't like the person, but because I wasn't necessarily prepared.

"Hey sis." Bellamy greeted, laughing nervously.

"Hi." I replied shyly, which wasn't very normal of me to act around him.  I guess I was nervous too, especially after that whole fight I started when I got here.  Not to mention that awful dream I had.

"Jaelyn, I'm sorr--" I knew what he was about to say, but I put a stop to him when I pulled him into an unbreakable hug, bringing him some shock.

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