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recap: Jaelyn Blake is known for being a lunatic in her town, as she witnessed her older brother Bellamy being taken by Peter Pan. Because of this, she was sent to a mental hospital for a year and when she was finally released, she was captured by Pan's shadow, taking her to Neverland. There, she reunited with her brother, the lost boys, and the one and only Peter Pan.

She is now faced with the challenge by Peter that she must stay in Neverland for 30 days, following specific rules; one of them being not falling in love with him. Her experience there has been a rocky road so far; good and bad. She was able to meet James, her love interest but also Peter's brother. Now, after the lost boys and herself have defeated Hook's crew in a recent battle, Jae and James plan to go on their first date together. Peter may or may not approve of their relationship.

-day 17-

"Jae, are you sure about this date with my brother?" Peter inquired annoyingly.

Ever since I told Peter about the date yesterday, he won't stop babbling on about how James isn't boyfriend material and all this other unnecessary nonsense. I remember one of the information being that James doesn't like avocados, and I like avocados, so therefore we aren't a good match. Ridiculous, I know. Another thing Peter said was that James doesn't know how to treat a girl right. As if Peter would know anything himself about treating a girl, or even just being plain respectful to anyone.

"For like the 50th time, yes." I answered, a tad irked.

"Correction: this is only the 8th time I've asked you about your date." Peter said back in a sophisticated tone.

As if that makes things any better, I thought. I naturally rolled my eyes at his response and buzzed off to my tent to get ready for my date tonight. Unfortunately, hearing the lingering footsteps as I walked indicated that Peter wasn't going to leave me alone any time soon.

"How are you so sure you want to go out with him?  I mean, what do you even see in that egghead?" Peter continued as we entered my tent.

Really, egghead?

That's the best insult he could think of?

"You are aware that 'egghead' is defined as a highly academic person right?" I asked rhetorically.

After thinking about it for a good minute with that intelligent brain of his, Peter grumbled a "whatever", shaking his head by my remark because he knew I was correct. If you don't believe me, egghead really does mean a highly academic person if you look it up in the dictionary.

"Anyhow, that egghead happens to be sweet and thoughtful." I argued, at the same time looking for something to wear from the jumble of clothes on my bed. "He's charming, smart, funny..."

"Yeah. Funny-looking." Peter interrupted.

"I happen to find James very attractive for your information." I stated proudly, continuing my search for a 'slightly more than average' outfit.

"And you don't find me attractive?  I'm rather offended Jae." His voice spoke behind my back.

"Well I never said anything so." The words trembled out of my mouth without thought. For a short moment, there was pure silence in the air until Peter said with a grin,

"So you do think I'm attractive..."

After finding a fair set of clothes and laying them down on my bed, I turned around face to face with Peter's infamous, provoking smirk.

"Oh quit smiling like that. I was just clarifying that I never said those specific words," I retorted, crossing my arms.

Clearly ignoring my clarification, Peter came closer to my body saying,

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