4- A Diver's Dream

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Previously, Coach Tristan, Allison's coach, took Allison out in the hall to talk about State. The President of the U.S. Olympic Committee and Coach talked, and he delivers the biggest news ever.

"The President talked to me, and he agreed that you have Olympic potential."

So... Here is Chapter Four!!
I was speechless. Me? An average sixteen year old, having Olympic potential? I open my mouth to try speaking, then I close it again. I looked like a puffer fish as this continued.

"Yes, Alli, you've got the potential! They've seen you dive for a while now, and... well, I'll let you look at this packet for yourself. I'll let you get back to class, we'll talk more at practice. Have a good day!" Coach says to me. He walks off, so I head back to class and sit down. The class gives me a standing ovation, some even whooped and hollered. Jake was among those people.

What's everyone cheering about? The fact I made it back to class in one piece?

Everyone looks at me, and I realized the packet was still in my hand. I look at it, and this shocked me.



We've been watching you since you started competing with your high school as a freshman. From the first dive, we knew you would become something big. Your Individual Dive at State last month was so, so clean. It has gotten better, and it'll only continue to get that way.

You have been invited to the Olympic Trials for Sydney in April 2020! It will be at the University of Indiana. You will have a chance to show us what you will be working on for the Trials at Regionals in September. We know you won't disappoint!

You will get to meet the best of the best of the U.S at the Trials while competing for a spot on the Olympic Team!

In this packet, there will be forms you must fill out and send back to us to get the information in the system for the Trials. Please send this back ASAP. If you have any questions, contact me or your coach.

Congrats! We hope to see you at Regionals!

-Ray Lewis, U.S. Olympic Committee President


"So? What does it say?" Mr. Griswald, the teacher, asked excitedly.

"I have qualified for the Olympic Trials in April!!" I announce.

I was living the diver's dream. Me, a sixteen year old girl, qualifying for the Olympics. I know, it's only Trials, but still! Anyone who dives would kill for my position right now.
"So... The big time, eh?" Jake says to me as class ends. I was getting my backpack and getting up from the desk. I was walking with him out of class.

"Yes! I am on fire with excitement right now!" I respond.

"Hey, come over here, Oh So Polite One." I looked at Jake weird. He put his arms out. What is my new friend doing? I walk slowly towards him, then he pushes me into his arms. I hug back with hesitation.

"Congratulations, Diver," he whispers in my ear. We break, then he asks me, "What are you doing for lunch?"

"I'm going to eat with my Diving teammates. Would you like to join us?"


We start walking to the cafeteria, going downstairs. We got to know each other better.

Jake swims for the team here at school. He loves water just as much, if not more, as I do. His favorite color was the same as mine: navy blue. He reads cheesy books, while I love diving into action novels. His favorite movie was The Fault in Our Stars, I loved the Avengers. He lives with his parents, I live with my sister...

"Your sister? What's... How... Ah... Uh....." Jake looked like he was about to break. I wasn't sure why. I decide to stop and go in front of my friend. I put my hand on his shoulder, and look at him in the eyes.


"What happened to them?"

"Plane crash," I respond sadly. After I said it, I took my hand off his shoulder and started walking. He catches up, and we eventually make it to the cafeteria. I spot my friends at one of the front tables, so we go to it.

Julie was talking about the conference coming up in September. It was rumored that one of the Olympic divers would be there to watch someone from here compete with the dive they'd do at the Trials.

I knew who that was.

It was me.

"Hey, guys!" I say to the team.

"About time! Who is that with you?" Emerson asked me.

"This is Jake. Jake, these are my teammates Brandon, Julie, and my best friend, Emerson," I say, introducing my friends to Jake.

"Hi..." Brandon says, slightly shy. He was gay, which most likely contributed to his introversion. I felt bad for my friend. He has tried finding the one for him, but it has never worked out. The reason for most break ups was diving; that was why no one on the team dated.

"Hey, you're in my Chemistry class, right?" Jake asks him.

"That would be me."

"You're really smart, have you considered Chem as a major?"

While Jake and Brandon talked, I took the opportunity to take Em aside. We walked out in the hall.

"What's up, Als?" She asked me.

"I... I qualified for the Olympic Trials on the Individual Dive. Did you get anything on the Synchronized Diving?"

"There will be people watching our Synchron Dive. If we can make it to the National level, there's a chance we could qualify for the Trials."

"Okay... Well, I think we should go back in there," I say with hesitation.

"I agree," Em says.

I was walking to my Biology class when Jake was pacing over to me. I had been about to stop by my locker to get my bag for Diving.

"Alli!" He looked like he needed to tell me something.

"Are you okay, Jake? You look out of sorts," I say.

"I need to tell you something. Can we talk?"

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