Chapter 5

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"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." Ayn Rand


Since Spencer and I got home so late from the case Spencer was allowing me to sleep in as late as I wanted. But that didn't last long. I wake up to the sound of laughter filling the entire house. I slowly get out of bed and head down the stairs. I follow the sound of laughter into to kitchen and find Spencer and the kids at the kitchen table, covered in paint. "What did you guys do?" I ask, startling the three of them, now noticing paint on floors, which were luckily covered in newspapers.

"It's a surprise, go back upstairs." Spencer tells me.

I pout and turn my attention to Alex and Bella, who were both pointing at Spencer with innocent looks on their faces. "It was all daddy's fault." Isabella tells me.

"We just wanted to paint you a picture mommy." Alex pouts.

I look back at Spencer, waiting for him to explain. "Well, I brought them some paper and paint so we could paint for you and everything was going ok until somebody," He says looking down and Alex, "Decided to splash paint on me, so I splashed some back. But luckily I remembered to but paper down because of what happened last time."

I sigh, "You better just clean it up." I tell the three of them.

"Yes ma'am." They all say together making me laugh.

"Well now that I'm up, I guess I could go run those errands I've been avoiding." I say starting to head back upstairs.

"I wanna come!!" Isabella yells, running after me.

"What did I just say about cleaning up?" I ask her.

She pouts, "Alex started it." She tells me, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I tell her, leading to a big smile on her face, "Go clean yourself up and put some different clothes on." I instruct and she runs up the stairs to do exactly that.

"That's not fair!" Alexander whines.

"It's ok bud, you get to hang out with me." Spencer says, cheering him up.

"Please don't burn the house down." I instruct to two boys before going up stairs to get dressed.

I quickly make myself look presentable to the world as well as help Isabella get ready. "We're leaving." I call to the boys, who were busy cleaning up the kitchen.

"Byyyeeee" Bella calls into the house as well before we go out to the car. I help Bella get into her car seat before getting into the driver seat and pulling away from our house. "Where are we going mommy?" Bella asks me as I drive down the street.

"I need to go to the grocery store." I tell her, "And then we can meet dad and Alex for lunch." (A/N lowkey sounded exactly like my mom and it scares me.)

"Ok!" Bella cheers with excitement, kicking the back of my seat.

"But first I need we need to go to the bank, ok?"

"Awweee" The excited child whines.

"It will only take a second." I assure her, making her stop whining.

After a short car ride, Bella singing along with the radio the entire ride, we arrive at the bank.

I help Bella out of her seat and hold her hand as we walk inside. The bank is more crowded than I expected it to be, "Ok, maybe it might take a little longer than I thought." I tell Bella, as we go get in line behind a black man and his daughter.

"But mommy!" Bella whines, not wanting to stay here anymore than I did.

"Maybe if you're good you can get a lollipop." I tell her, making her smile wide. (A/N cause don't they give kids lollipops at banks? Idk I don't have kids.) 

As we wait in line I make small talk with the man in front of me as our kids play. We are close to the front of the line, when I hear commotion from the entry way. I turn around and notice the security guard trying to search the guy who just entered the bank, but he is refusing, making a scene. From the corner of my eye I notice a girl with short black hair walking over to them.

I can hear Bella trying to get my attention but I just focused on the girl, feeling like something was about to go wrong.



Can we just talk about how amazing I've been at updating lately like holy cheese balls I deserve an award of some sort.

Cliff hanger? Kinda? Idk...probably not if you seen all of Criminal Minds like I have...but if you are newly obsessed and haven't gotten very far into it...then yes. Cliff hanger.

Don't forget to vote, comment, share, idk whatever else you can do.


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