Chapter 10

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"Who speaks to the instincts speaks to the deepest in mankind and finds the readiest response." mankind and finds the readiest response." Amos Bronson Alcott



3 weeks later...

The past three weeks have been better than ever, and our family seeming closer than ever before. Since to bank incident the entire team was given more off days as a thank you for all we've done and Spencer and I have gladly been using them.

I step out of the shower and dry myself off so I can put on my clothes.  I go out of the bathroom and make my way to the kitchen, following the smell of something burning. I make my way to the kitchen and stand in the entry to the kitchen to find Spencer trying to set out a fire on the stove. I laugh and make my way over to him "Need help?" I ask, playfully pushing him out of the way.

"No I don't" he replies playfully shoving me back and setting out the fire.

I laugh as he picks up a piece of burnt bacon, "Well this was a fail." He says, putting it in his mouth anyway.

I smile and wrap my arms around him, "It was still a romantic gesture." I say.

He leans down and kisses me on the top of the head. "Oh and..." he says pulling away from me and walking over to a cabinet and pulling out a small gift bag and handing it to me. "Happy birthday."

I smile and take the bag from him, "I told you not to get me anything." I say starting to pull out the tissue paper.

"I know, but I wanted to" he tells me, watching me unwrap the present. I finish pulling out the tissue paper and pull out a red velvet box. I smile at him and I open it, reviling a golden heart locket.

"It's beautiful." I say taking it out of the box.

"Here let me help you," Spencer says taking it from me and turning me around, putting the necklace around my neck.  "It gets better." He tells me once I'm facing him again opening the locket showing off the pictures of my family. Our family.

"Thank you." I say smiling at him, and embracing him in another hug. I start to pull away when I hear a crash from the living room.  "What was that?" I whisper looking in that direction.

"Probably just the kids playing outside," he says, pulling me back towards him.

"No I don't think so." I mumble, pulling myself from Spencer's grip and start to walk over there. There is another crash and I freeze in my tracks, terrified.

"Becs wait," He calls in a whisper after me and grabs his gun from a drawer and gets in front of me.

We slowly make our way to the living room and find nothing but a broken window. "Oh my gosh." I mumble putting my hand over my mouth.

"Here-" he says handing me the gun, "Go outside and see if the kids are ok I'm going to look around." 

"What Spencer? No. You can't go by yourself, and without a gun." I whisper to him, trying to hand it back to him, but he leaves giving me no choice to go outside. I walk out the front door and look around, Bella and Alex nowhere in sight. I walk around the large yard, looking behind trees and bushes.  I creep around the side of the house to find my children huddling near each other, shaking in fear.

"Are you guys alright?" I ask leaning down next to them wrapping my arms around them. I feel them both nod their heads. I stay sitting next to them, not sure if it's safe to enter the house, when I hear a gunshot go off.

I can feel my heart stop as two more shots go off from inside the house. And I had the gun. I quickly pull out my cell phone, shaking. "Here," I say handing to phone to Alex. "Call Uncle Hotch, and stay here. I'll be right back." I instruct them before getting up and running towards the front door.

I cautiously walk inside our house, that had obvious signs of a struggle, making my heart pump out of my chest. There is suddenly a crash from upstairs, making me jump. I look up the stairway and take a deep breath before walking up them, not liking what I find at the top.


Smeared on the walls as if someone was trying to get away. I follow the trail of blood down the hallway, the amount getting smaller the further down I walk. I step over a table that has been knocked over and stand in front of my bedroom door, rustling noises coming from inside. I peer through the small crack on the door, not really able to see anything. I slowly push the door open, being careful not the make a sound. Once the door is open a step inside to find my bedroom completely trashed, as if someone was looking for something.

I glance around and then I spot him. A man standing on the far side of the room at the edge of the bed, holding a gun. A man that was not my husband. "Hey!" I yell; startling the man and making him jump. Before he has the chance to raise his gun on me, I shot him. Right between the eyes, killing him instantly. The man falls to the floor, revealing something I never wanted to see. I drop the gun and run over to Spencer's body, which was lying in a pool of his own blood. I lean down next to him as he is coughing slightly, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Hey look at me," I tell Spencer, tears rolling down my face, as I press my hands down on his stomach trying to stop the bleeding from his multiple gunshot wounds. "You're going to be ok." I tell him, as multiple sirens approach from the distance.

I can hear footsteps running up the stair, but I just focus on Spencer. Suddenly medics fill the room, all of their voices jumbling together in my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Morgan and Emily run into the bedroom as well, looking as shocked and upset as I felt. One of the medics says something to them, then they come over to me and start to pull me from Spencer's body. "No stop!" I yell as Morgan and Emily work together to lift me off of him. "You guys put me down!" I continue to yell. I kick and scratch at them, hoping they would put me down as the medic begin to hook up Spencer and carry him off.

"I have to go with him!" I scream as the medics and Spencer leave the room, just as the rest of the team, except for Garcia who must be with the kids, come into the room.

"A little help here." Morgan says to them. Then they are all on me, grabbing me to keep me from kicking and scratching anymore, and trying to sit me on the bed. It takes all of their full effort, just to get me to stop screaming.


To be continued.

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