The New Chapter 1

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The infamous "Blades of Gloria" were laced up ready to go to their owner's feet . The bright rink lights flashed on the skater's face as she went in for a spin. All the time in the world froze to preserve that moment. Each moment of  the competition could be remembered as if it were the previous day.

Melissa scanned each photo filled page with eyes of sorrow. The real days of glory were over. She slammed the hard cover book shut and traced her fingers over the intricate gold lettering, "Figure Skating." She choked back the painful tears. The book had been given to her by her  coach as a token of friendship.

She hesitated as if she were  daring herself to grab the second book on her nightstand. The first volume pierced her heart. As if it were jumping a cliff, she swiped it off the nightstand and flipped onto her bed. Just like the other one, this was also crammed with victory photos. The bright looks of her coach and friends stabbed her heart. The gold medal hanging around her neck blinded her mind. Another glance at the white leather boots and shiny steel blades were soul crushing.

The river Melissa held back ran down her face. She tossed both albums into a drawer and ripped through the packing tape of another box. After  tearing it open, she wiped her tears and lifted it onto her bed. The multi-colored packing peanuts flew from the brown container. The dreadful remains of her "past life" remained untouched. Instead, Melissa fell to the closest pillow and screamed all of her frustrations into it.

Distant sobs filled the hallway with an eerie haze, beckoning her mother close. She padded through the unfamiliar halls, looking from left to right. In a few days, familiarity faded, and life launched the Sadent family into a new realm. As she neared her daughter's door, she waited a moment, as the desperation resonated deep within her soul. Things would resolve. It would be worth it. With that, she knocked on her daughter's bedroom door.

"Cynthia is going to take you to the rink." She crossed her fingers, hoping to cheer up her daughter.

The sobbing continued, and her heart sank to her stomach. She creaked open the door, light seeping into the room with drawn curtains. Melissa sat on her bed, bobbing shoulders pressed forward so that her head rested against the rim of a large box. In one hand, she clutched a fistful of packing peanuts, and in the other white knuckles contrasted the bright blue trophy. Muffled sobs escaped her lips, speaking more the words could articulate.

Her mother drew in her lips before she tread across the room. As she sat on the bed beside her daughter, the box slid onto the floor. Medals and trophies clinked as the box hit the floor. Thank goodness for packing peanuts and bubble wrap. Melissa's head fell on her mother's shoulders, and her mother wrapped her arm around her, hoping to calm her desperate wails. She didn't needed to ask-- one look around the room revealed Melissa hadn't unpacked since they arrived in Florida.

"Come on, Sweetie." she stroked her daughter's hair, "You need to get ready to go. " The mother wiped  tears and dried her hands on her tear soaked shirt.

Melissa rubbed her puffy eyes as she pulled away. Her breath was shallow and light, "T-Thanks Mom." Her shoulders [were still bobbing] [up and down] as she sniffled. Her mother patted her back before leaving to grab her daughter's skating clothes for her. Melissa took them with shaky hands and closed the door . Fighting the urge to shout her heart out, she made haste.

The sound of the front door closing shook the house. Cynthia waited for her sister. The sound of a grumpy teenager was replaced by loud footsteps and the thud of a skating bag. Melissa clenched her fists has she dragged all of her belongings. Her scornful scowl caused her sister to stiffen.

"Hey, Mel!" Cynthia waved at her sibling with a smile, "I'll take your bag. Go ahead and hop in the car." She too had her skating gear on and was ready itching to go. Her hair was neatly braided to the side, contrasting to Melissa's sloppy ponytail. She swung the front door open again and waved to her mom before making her way out.

Melissa plopped into the passenger's seat of the car and slumped over. The last thing she wanted to do today was do the thing she hated most, skate. Her sloppy hair hung in front of her face as the roar of the engine increased. Braving the moment, she rested her arm on the arm rest and glanced out the window.

"What's the reason this time?" she sighed as she watched the scenery pass by.

"It's the only way to get you out of the house." Cynthia stopped at a red light. The statement was a lie . Both her and their mom had forced her out.

Not wanting to retaliate, the melancholic sister didn't respond. If silence were a person, he would be in the awkward person in the backseat. 

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