Good Ol' Mister Casket

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Jordan slowly awoke in a dark gray room, floating in mid-air, unable to move his body.

"W-What's going on?" He muttered. Where am I? Why am I floating? And why can't I move?! He thought to himself. Confused, He looked around the room, trying to figure out where the heck he was.

He started to hear crazed laughter, causing him to let out a yelp. A young man appeared in Jordans field of vision. This man was very pale, and was wearing a bloody light maroon hoodie along with dark blue pants. One of his pant legs was torn, which revealed a blood-stained bandage on his knee. He had a white bandaid on his nose and he wore a large grin on his face. And to go along with that unsettling grin, he had very bright red eyes, which gave off an even more unsettling vibe to Jordan.

"W-Well, w-well, well. Look who f-finally decided to wake up!" Smirked the man. "W-Who are you?" Jordan asked the stranger. His voice and the way he talked gave off a familiar vibe to Jordan.

"Aww, dont'cha recognize me, F-Frye? Well I guess I-I shouldn't be s-so disappointed, since i'm trying on a n-new look. S-So it's understandable why y-you wouldn't recognize me. Heheheh....m-maybe this will refresh your memory.." He smiled, as he pulled out a knife from seemingly nowhere. "Do you wanna know my secret?"

Jordans eyes widened. As soon as he heard the familiar phrase and saw the knife, he knew instantly who this guy was. "J-Jimmy..C-C-Casket?" Stuttered Jordan. "Bingo! Give the man a prize!" Exclaimed Jimmy joyously, giving Jordan a golf clap.

"But..H-How is aren' aren't r-real! How can you be here, in front of me, if you aren't real!?" Jordan exclaimed, trying to make sense of this. Jimmy started to laugh maniacally at Jordan, which sent a shiver down his spine. "Oh Frye, t-this is all VERY real. Or, w-well, i-it will be. S-Soon." Jimmy sighed, wiping a tear from his eye.

Jordan was confused and scared. But mostly confused. "W-What do you want with me, Jimmy?" He asked. "Ah...r-right...Hehe, no-now I remember. I'm h-here to give you a message!" Jimmy giggled. "A message?" Repeated Jordan. "Y-Yep! I don't q-quite remember who it's from...but I know they're important!" He replied in a very childish voice. "T-They told me to tell you that s-something big is gonna happen to you and your little sibs. So when it does happen, you'd better be prepared. Cause it won't be pretty."

Jordan gave Jimmy a confused look. "What does that mean?" Jordan demanded. "Ah, ah, ah! If I told you, then it would ruin the s-super secret surprise! We don't want that, now do we?" He teased, patting Jordan on the head like a dog. "S-So..since i've done my job...I can play with you now!" As soon as he said that, Jimmy disappeared without a trace. Jordan darted his head around the room.

"Jimmy? Jimmy!" He called out. But he got no reply. "Oh man...this is bad..." Jordan jumped when he heard the voice boom throughout the room. "Get ready, Frye. Cause you and your siblings lives are gonna come crashing down." Just then, Jordan felt a sharp pain in his stomach. His eyes widened as he look down to see a blade cutting through it. He wanted to scream, but was frozen with fear. The last thing he heard was Jimmy Caskets insane laughter.
"Wake up, Jordan. Wake up." Everything went to black.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Jordan screamed, jolting up in a cold sweat. He quickly looked around, making sure that he wasn't in that dark room anymore. He sighed shakily in relief. "I-It was..just a dream...more like a nightmare.." He quietly muttered to himself. Yawning, he got out of bed. "This is..what, the sixth time I've had a dream that involved one of our characters?" He laughed nervously.

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