So me and my best friend play this game minecraft, and we always go on this server called 'mineplex'.
We usually play sheepquest, Draw my thing, Turf wars, snake, hide and seek, or we mess around in the lobby.
If you see us, say hi!
My user: spiritmoon2002
My friend's: Eveetrainer107
But we were playing 'Draw my thing' and we deal with a lot of 6 year olds. We do. Very inappropriate ppl.
But... this time.. was a bit different. People would write 'MLG' many times, or draw pencils. Sometimes people draw the exact opposite of the word.
But... let me just show u the comic.
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(I'm on the left, Evee is on the right) (Me and Evee changed our skins after this comic so.. XD)
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.... literally? Just why? Srsly? Don't you know you get points when people guess your word? ... or is that the hive. Idk. But please just draw the actual word. A piano isn't that hard. Just draw the keys if you have to. Don't just hoard all the points and not let people get points. You're just acting like a noob.