Long story short, when Marc was adopted, he was hella confused. He lived most of his life at the adoption center, and thought he'd never get adopted. But surely enough, he's now 16, and he got adopted.
His first impression of them were simple. He found Marco quirky, and Axel a bit awkward at first; but he's just a big softy. The couple, Marco and Axel, we're happy that Marc was an addition to the family. Marc coincidentally had a name that sounded like Marco's, especially with a c instead of a k. So Marco immediately decided that he would be just like him, and decided to teach him baseball. Yes, Marco jumps to conclusions a lot.
The only problem was that not only is Marc afraid of getting his hair dirty, Marc also has trouble picking up the baseball bat.
Marc knew his father, Axel, was an outsider. He also knew that he didn't want anything to do with this 'baseball' thing. A stoic father was something Marc didn't have a problem hanging around with.
Here's a sketch of the parents.
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You could tell Marco likes baseball since he has a baseball cap on. And Axel is the laid back 'doesn't give a crap' guy. But seriously though, Axel is quite serious when he has to be. He also can beat the shit out of you if you hurt his family.