- chapter 11; be adventurous -

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JoJo's POV
I really didn't want to be going to these press conferences and interviews. I wanted to make sure I had what I needed for the journey around the world. We wouldn't be coming back for nearly two months and that will only be for any extra recording or writing sessions we need and to top up on clothes. After the long journey from our place to Manchester, we were able to walk around. I'd spend my time writing and re-writing my list of things for the tour, every ounce of me panicking. This was the biggest thing to happen to me and I wanted it to go perfect. The first few hours of consistent question, hearing the same things over and over, was pretty boring but it seemed to get better once we were back in London. We were able to meet a lot of fans which was great; it made me forget about the pre tour stress. I was incredibly excited that we were finally at the last interview of the day. I already had the answers mapped out in my head, knowing the exact same questions would be asked. We took our seats, a few people running over for powder touch ups before the countdown begun.
"In 5, 4, 3, 2..."
"Hi, I'm your host Justine Andrews and today I'm joined with the beautiful ladies from Girls who cried Wolf. How are you all today?" She smiled, her voice fairly loud.
"Great thanks." I spoke, as did the others.
"Great, great. So we actually went to Twitter for these questions so... We'll get started with the most popular question which was 'are you excited to go on tour with One Direction'?"
"Personally speaking however, I feel the girls feel the same, I love all of the guys and they've welcomed us so wonderfully! They've been so helpful  and it's been making me so excited for this tour. They're such happy guys, I can tell the tour will be fun." Aly smiled. We all, agreed. The rest of the questions were pretty simple, us all spending most of our time joking around.
"So one final question which people are bursting to know is, are you all single? And are any of you with the 5SOS boys? We've all seen a few articles but it would be great to put any rumours to rest."
"Well I'm single. There's nothing going on with any of the boys and myself." Marley chuckled.
"Same here, I'm just such good friends with them. We're all going on tour so we've got to be close." Ella beamed.
"Well, I've recently gotten out of a heavy relationship that wasn't very pretty so I'm not looking for anything anytime soon. The boys have been very supportive through it all." Aly shrugged, the past creeping up on her.
"Anything to add? JoJo?" The interviewer hummed.
"Uh what? Sorry. We're all in the same boat." The interview came to an end and we were able to leave. I made a quick change in the toilets into a pair of grey skinny joggers. I headed out to meet the girls, seeing they were already out with fans. I stopped by to take more photos with everyone, signing different bits. Eventually, security hurried us up and I could finally nap. I rested my eyes, drifting in and out of sleep.
"Jo, wakey wakey. We're home now." Aly mumbled. I fluttered my eyes open, a smile spreading across my face.
"Thanks." I hummed, slipping from the car and trudging inside. It was late, about 9 at night and I was shattered. My dragged out a makeup wipe lazily and rubbed it round my face. Once I felt like it was all off, I shifted over to my bed and snuggled into it. I was too tired to consider changing so decided to sleep as I was.
I woke up reasonably early which was good seeing as I had to be packed by 9 tonight. We were flying out to Australia today to get ready for the guys release party and the tour. I flung all of my skinny jeans into a suitcase along with all my band tees and a couple of plain and patterned ones. I then added lazy clothes and pj's to the folded bundle. Once my outfit for the party and a couple of other night out outfits were packed, i just needed my makeup, wash bags and underwear. I stripped from my current outfit and also stripped my bed wear. I chucked them in a pile then changed into some black leggings and a tank top. I pulled a black Nike hoodie on with some trainer socks then lugged my washing into the living room. I sorted it out and put a load on before getting together the rest of my bits. Once fully packed, I sorted out my on flight bag and sent Calum a quick message.
JoJo: are you excited to go home?
Calum: sure am, I can't believe it!
JoJo: I've never been!:o
Calum: you'll love it :)
JoJo: I hope!
Calum: want to go out to lunch to say bye to England?
JoJo: sure :)
Calum: I'll get you in 5
I placed my phone down, grabbing a bottle of fizzy and slumping on the sofa. I flicked through Twitter, liking a few tweets and following some people. A knock at the door made me jump up. I opened it up to see Calum, a large smile spread across his face.
"Hold on, let me tell the girls." I chuckled. I went to walk away but something pulled me back. Calum had his hand wrapped around my arm which held me back.
"Be adventurous! What they don't know can't hurt them." He smirk. I felt like my whole body melted, causing me to agree and follow him out of the house.
"What do you fancy to eat?" I smiled, as we began to walk into town.
"I already have something planned for us." He grinned, slipping his hand into mine. A smile began to cross my face as sparks filled my body. Something about this felt right but something felt wrong. I pushed the negative thoughts to the back of my mind, enjoying the moment. We soon turned up at a small cafe on the outskirts of the city. It hadn't been too far of a walk and I'd passed this area multiple times yet I'd never noticed it.
"This is cute." I giggled as he led me inside.
"This isn't where we're eating, follow me." He released my hand and made his way to a door. Once the door was open, I was able to see a spiral staircase. I was weary about following him down it but decided to anyway. I trusted Calum. The staircase got darker the further down until the lights began to turn blue.
"What... Where is this? What is this?" I mumbled as the room came into view. The walls were filled with water and fish while the floor was a sea blue. The tables were made from clear plastic along with the chairs and a bar was pressed against a wall. A few couples sat at tables, eating away while a few waiters loitered around.
"Hello Calum, table for two?" One of the waiters smiled. He nodded in response. I followed the pair to a table at the back, taking in my surroundings. The place was beautiful, the perfect place to say goodbye in.
"How do you know about this place?" I murmured, taking my seat. I took ahold of the menu and began to skim through it.
"The waiter, the one that served us, is a friend of mine who moved here a few years back." He chuckled. His friend came back over and took our order. After 15 minutes or so, it arrived. The plate was mouthwatering. I'd chosen stuffed chicken with a side of mash and broccoli while Calum chose a burger and chips.
"This is really nice, I'm glad we did this." I smiled, my body feeling warm and tingly.
"So am I, I can't wait to travel the world with you."
"And I can't wait to travel it with you."
Sorry for not posting yesterday! I had the chapter ready but my day was juggled as I ended up having to go to the hospital! I'm ok, I just then completely forgot when I got home :)
Words: 1370

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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