- chapter 1; drummer girl -

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Marleys POV
Today was the day. We were heading down to London for our final meeting. We had been doing Skype meetings and now had to perform in front of them to prove our worth. After our performance, we were then to plan our future with them and figure out if we would work as apart of the management.
"Ella, come on! We need to leave!" I huffed, holding the door open. Alycca was sat in the drivers seat while JoJo was beside her. The impatient looks on their faces proved the need for us to hurry up. Luckily, it was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining down, coving us in heat and potentially sweat later on. I picked at the ends of my high waisted shorts, still waiting for Ella.
"I'm here! I'm here!" She shouted, running out the door.
"Finally." I groaned, locking the door and jumping into the car.
"Everyone got everything?" Alycca asked. We all nodded, praying partially that we did before the car hitched into gear and we set off for the long ride to London.
"Are we there yet?" I groaned, pulling my knees up to my chest. We'd been travelling for what felt like years and I'd already completed my movie.
"Hey, stop complaining. The other band are coming from Australia, they're probably not complaining!" Alycca spoke back. I shook it off, knowing not to aggravate her. She may be the youngest yet she was the one who kept us all going. Aly was also the one driving us there right now so I wouldn't put it past her to just stop in a lay by for the rest of the day.
"I can see the hotel!" I heard JoJo shout, excitement laced in her voice. It was so close. Three 18 year olds and a 19 year old were on their way to try to win the hearts of a management corp to potentially create the greatest future of their lives.
"Marley, come on!" Ella shouted from outside my window. I snapped out of my thoughts, noticing everyone was on their way inside. I quickly jumped from my seat and swung open the boot. I retrieved my luggage before locking the car and running in behind them.
"Here's your key. Have a nice stay." The lady behind the counter beamed. I followed the three down a couple of halls until we reached our room. It opened up to two double beds. A bathroom was to our right while a wardrobe, desk and tv on the left. I flopped down on one bed, letting my bag drop to the ground. We were staying here for 3 days, tomorrow was our performance day so we had today to practise at the facility without them all seeing. If everything goes well, they're paying for us to have a house in London to stay in while the plans for tour go into action. Our parents were all planning on coming down on the last day when we have to sign the forms, if we get the job.
"We've got to leave in 5 so get ready." JoJo called, stepping out of the bathroom. She'd changed from her tracksuit bottoms and tank to some black skinnies with a flannel shirt.
"Has anyone see my converse?" Ella called from the gap between the two beds.
"You chucked them in my bag." I shouted back, walking to the wardrobe. I grabbed one of the black pairs from my bag and tossed them across to her.
"Ok, let's go!" Alycca called, her eyes concentrated on her phone. I shook it off, she always had her full attention on it. We followed her out to the car yet Jo jumped into the drivers seat. The drive wasn't too long, only 10 minutes down the road. Once we were parked up outside, we made our way inside.
"Names." Security spoke, their voices low.
"Girls Who Cried Wolf." Alycca smiled. He scrolled his eyes down the list before nodding and opening the door. We wandered in and began to head down a hallway. The sound of music could be heard, a song I'd never heard before from voices I'd never listened to.
"I'm guessing that's the other band." Ella whispered.
"Most likely. They are practising for about an hour and a half before us them going for another hour and a half after us then we're going again." Alycca muttered as we followed her until we all fell to a halt. One thing I loved about Aly was that she was confident with these things, however when boys got involved, she was a shy as could be.
"Ready girls?" She chuckled, pushing the door open. The boys continued to play, what was clearly an original song, while we made our way round to the back stage area. Waiting at the side of the stage was Niall, one of the members of One Direction.
"Girls!" He beamed, walking over to give us a hug. He wrapped his arms around Alycca first before walking over to JoJo. You could see the happiness in Aly's eyes, Niall being her favourite member since she watched X-Factor.
"They're finishing up soon, this is their last song they're practising now." Niall smiled. We stood behind the curtain, watching them put out a show. They really knew how to own a stage. I peaked over at the drum kit; it was beautiful. It was nothing like the one I had at home. This one was bigger and better, I couldn't wait to test it out.
"It's a beauty, isn't it?" A thick, Australian accent spoke from beside me. I snapped out of my train of thoughts, diverting my eyes to a boy. He was taller than me; his brown curls where tousling down the sides of his face.
"Yeah, is it good to play?" I asked him, my eyes travelling back to the equipment.
"Definitely. I wish I had one this good but it's all a part of the dream." He chuckled, walking back to join his band members.
"Marley!" Ella shouted from the other side of the stage.
"Coming!" I called, taking one last look at the Australian boy before running to my drum kit. It look even more incredible from behind. I picked up the pair of drumsticks which had pink tape round the ends, signalling that they were for me. I tested them out, getting the hang of the new drums.
"Ready?" I called out to the others. They all popped their thumbs up. Last night, we'd created a set list of 4 songs. We needed to do three originals and a cover of One Direction. While One Direction were a pop boy band, we were a pop punk band so our sounds were slightly different. We were putting our own twist on their song 'Diana'. Ella started up the beginning of one of our own songs, Waste The Night. I'd always loved the drums, my mum had recommended it to me when I was about four. I used to sit and tap everything; it used to annoy everyone but she always loved it. She used to encourage me so much. We came to the end of the song, Alycca and Ella deciding they wanted to re-run but with different guitars. I took the opportunity to grab a swig of water but realised I'd spent too long checking out the kit early that I'd forgotten to grab a bottle. I let out a large sigh, knowing this would be a long hour and a half without water.
"Hey! Drummer girl! Carly is it?" Someone called. I looked to my left, seeing the other drummer.
"It's Marley." I replied, quickly checking back to the girls who were strumming on some guitars, finding their favourite.
"Catch!" He shouted as I turned to look. I watched as a bottle of water tumbled through the air, landing in my lap. I put my thumb up to him, shouting a thank you before taking a long swig and getting settled.
"Let's go again!" Ella called, beginning to strum her new guitar.
Take two now, I guess.
"DIANA!" I sang down the microphone as the song began to come to an end. We were nearly finished for the day and I was so exhausted. I finished off my small drum solo which I'd added to the end before standing up and grabbing my water.
"Aye! Well done girls. Nice job! You'll probably land the job; your stage presentation is amazing. Good job." Niall beamed, giving us all a quick hug before leaving the auditorium.
"I feel like we should go befriend the other band. If we both land the job then we'll have to put up with each other the whole time." JoJo shrugged, walking over to the boys. They'd sat and watched our last set for reason I'm in aware off.
"Hey." I head Ella chirp beside me. I snapped from my thoughts, looking over towards the other boys.
"Hey, we're 5 Seconds Of Summer." The dark haired boy smiled.
"We're Girls Who Cried Wolf." Jo chuckled.
"Cool name." A boy spoke from beside the drummer. His hair was black with blue and purple ends.
"You're too. I'm Ella by the way. This is Marley our drummer, JoJo the Bassist, Alycca the lead vocalist and guitarist while I'm another guitarist." El rambled on.
"Sweet. I'm Luke, the lead vocalist and guitarist, this is Calum the bassist, Ashton the drummer and Michael, our other guitarist." One of them smiled. His dusty blonde hair was half heartedly quiffed but mostly flat.
"Cool. You looking forward to tomorrow?" JoJo hummed, her eyes trailing over to Calum.
"Yeah, it's going to be lots of fun. We came all the way from Australia so, it'll be gutting if we don't get it." Michael shrugged. We continued to talk to them for a while, mainly about music before we decided it was time to head to the hotel.
"It was nice talking to you all." El beamed as we departed ways to the cars. A woman sat in the front of their car while they all clambered in. Probably one of their mums and by the looks of it, it was most likely Luke's.
"I think that's the most quiet I've ever heard you, Al." JoJo chuckled, poking Aly's side.
"Shut up." She murmured, pushing the car into gear and beginning the drive back.
"Why were you so quiet anyway?" Ella hummed, resting her head into the hands.
"No reason." She shrugged before turning the music slightly louder, clearly wanting us to be quiet. The rest of the drive was silent; the only noise escaping was from the speakers the surrounded the car. I didn't mind the quiet, it was relaxing to an extent. After we'd pulled up outside, we made our way in to get ready for dinner. The restaurant was attached and you were able to walk in whenever you wanted. I stripped from my outfit and pulled on a pair of leggings with a plain grey jumper. I slipped into a pair of black trainer socks before fixing my hair. I hadn't prepared earlier and just flung it into a bun to keep it out of my eyes when drumming. I yanked a brush through its curly mess before calling for Aly. She appeared from the bathroom; her hair messily placed on the top of her head in a bun while she wore black leggings, a black tank top and a grey zip up jacket which she'd left unzipped. On her feet were a pair of white trainer socks.
"What?" She asked, looking down to the floor where I'd decided to sit.
"Can you braid my hair please?" I giggled. She sighed, sitting down on the floor beside me. Everyone went to Aly for makeup and I for hair but when I needed my hair done but wouldn't be able to do it, she did it. I felt my head being tugged back as she pulled the strands into the plait. After 5 minutes, two braids ran down the back of my head.

 After 5 minutes, two braids ran down the back of my head

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Ready to go?" She asked, helping me from the floor.
"Yes. Are the other two?" I hummed, looking around the room. Ella was laid on the bed, scrolling through her phone while JoJo was topping up her powder in the bathroom.
"Ready." She giggled, joining Aly and I at the door.
"Come on Els! I want food!" I whined. She pealed herself away from the bed and followed us out the room. We made our way to the restaurant, taking a seat at our table. We each ordered a starter, main and dessert then began to wait.
"Hey, you're Girls That Cried Wolf? Can I get a photo please?" A girl smiled. She was no older than 15 and her mum stood willingly behind her.
"Sure." Aly beamed. We all stood up, the girl wiggling her way in between Ella and Aly. I stood the other side of Ella while Jo stood the other side of Aly. The mother snapped the photo before asking if we could take individual ones as well. Once all the photos had been taken, she hugged us each before leaving. We took our seats again, receiving our food. I could get used to this life.
I was mid way through my food when my phone began to buzz on the table.
"Who's texting?" Jo asked. I looked down at my phone, a number on the screen. It wasn't saved and I hadn't received anything from it before.
"Just a friend from home." I mumbled, unlocking my phone. I had to read the message a couple of times for it to fully sink in.
Hey, is this Marley? From Girls who Cried Wolf? I need to talk to you.
Well, I was hoping to not see this side of fame.
Chapter one is up! It's longggg!
The boys in this are 18, 18, 19 and 20 :)
New chapter soon!
Marleys the photo above :)

Word Count- 2340

The Support Acts {5 Seconds Of Summer}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora