Pained Hearts and Cliché Reasons

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I ran. I ran as fast as I can and as far as my feet can take me. My feet gave up and I ended up at the hotel’s garden, tears falling down my face. What’s worse, it started to rain. Great, just great. I thought to myself. What was I supposed to expect? That he would like me back? Ha! As if. I can’t believe that I thought I would be so naïve to think that. He wouldn’t like someone like me. Besides, to him I’m just his best friend. Roselyn Adams, Andrew Lewis’ best friend. Everyone knows that. *sigh*. What are the chances of all this happening in the first place?

Just then I hear footsteps and heard them coming towards me. I ignored them, hoping that it wasn’t that certain someone that I really didn’t want to see. “There you are.” a familiar deep and dreamy voice said. I knew he would come out here as soon as he knows about this. “What are you doing out here? It’s raining and you’re out here? You’re going to catch a cold or worse.” “Why don’t you go back in?” I said, hoping he won’t notice the tone of my voice and know that I was crying. “I’ll just stay out here. I… I want to be out here. I want… to be alone. To think.” Suddenly I felt something warm on my waist. Andrew was hugging me. Don’t get me wrong, we’re best friends and all but we rarely have hugs.

“Rosie,” he started. “What’s wrong?” Uggh… Why must you call me that? Did I mention I get weak in the knees every time he calls me that? “Andrew, please go.” I beg. “No. Look, Roselyn, I’m not leaving until you tell me why you’re crying and I get you to feel better.” He turns me around and lifts my chin to meet his eyes. His dark hazelnut eyes. I could stare forever into those hypnotizing eyes of his. “Tell me, Rosie. It kills me to see you like this.”

Why? I want to say my undying love for you but I can’t. I don’t want to ruin your night. I’ve already ruined mine. Control yourself, Roselyn. “I’m alright.” I say and then I smiled at him, hoping he won’t see the sadness in my eyes. Unfortunately for me, he did. “Roselyn, I know you’re not. Out with it.” “I can’t tell you, Andrew.” “Why not?” “Because you just can’t, Andrew. You just can’t.” “Rose...” he started. “Do… Does this have something to do with… with what just happened… at the balcony?” I go back to what happened.


The Christmas Dance was being held at this huge hotel and everyone was dancing, if not, eating or talking with their friends. I just saw Andrew being dragged to the balcony by some girl. Hmm… Who could that be? I thought. I followed and tried to hide by the curtains and nearby plants. He was with Trisha Jimenez, one of the most popular girls in our school. I lean in to hear what they were talking about. I don’t usually eavesdrop but I can’t help myself right now. “Look, Andrew, I like you. Like, I really, really like you.” What? Trisha likes Andrew? But then again, so does every girl. “Trisha, I… Look, I like you.” Okay, that was it for me. I ran, ran as far as my feet could take me which explains why I ended up here.

~Flashback End~

“What? Balcony? What are you talking about Andrew?” I asked, wondering if he had seen me. “I know you were there, Rosie.” he tells me in a worried tone. “I’d know that figure and how you ran anywhere.” he muttered under his breath which I heard but decided to ignore it, my cheeks flaming up. “So what if it was me at the balcony? It doesn’t prove much.” I replied, nonchalantly. “It kind of does. By any chance, you… you were jealous?” he asks, with a worried expression yet I can still see a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Pssh… Me? Jealous? Of you? No way.” I told him, avoiding his eyes. “Roselyn Adams, you tell me right now why you were crying out in the rain.” he stated. Please leave soon. “You know I’m not going to leave soon, Rose.” Damn.

“Rosie… Just please tell me why… Tell me why you were crying.” he insisted, his hazel eyes glistening once again. “It’s not helping that it’s raining, Rosie.” “Fine. You want to know Andrew? Well, I’ll tell you!” I blurted. “I love you Andrew Lewis! I love you! So much more than you know. I have always loved you.” I confessed, happy to get it off my chest, but I wasn’t finished. Nowhere near that. “From the side-lines, I watched you go out with girls and them telling you how much they liked you. Especially after your break up with Michelle, you went out with a lot of girls, thinking they would ease the pain. I listened to you whole-heartedly, the rants and complaints you had, how you thought that Michelle didn’t see how much you loved her. But what about me? I love you and I always got hurt. I tried to tell you but there’s always something in the way. I tried to show you because of that. I stayed by your side, comforted you when things were tough, enjoying every moment I had with you, and thinking ‘Hey, so maybe this is what it’s like to be in the friendzone. It hurts so much. I have to move on about you’. I tried to, Andrew, I desperately did, but I couldn’t.” I reasoned.

We stay there in silence, facing each other, with nothing but the sound of raindrops hitting the ground. I waited for him to say something, but heard nothing. This silence is killing me. “Andrew? Are you alright? Look, I’m sorry it came out as a shock bu-“ I was cut off by him pulling me and smashing our lips together. I was shocked, my mind thinking what in the world was happening and we should stop but my body gave up and I ended up kissing him back. Oh damn, his lips are so soft. How I wish we could stay like this. But of course, that was not to come true. We separate out of breath when I registered in my head what just happened. “How could you think that?” he questioned me.

I looked at him in confusion. “Think what?” I asked him. “That you were friendzoned?” he sighed. “That I don’t love you the way you love me?” “Oh, that… Well, you never really showed me that. You were always like an overprotective brother, calling me your little sister.” I explained. “Yes, maybe you’re right... But, I really do love you back. I just… I didn’t accept it right away. I always thought that it was wrong because I’m not supposed to like you since you’re my best friend. Trust me, those days weren’t so good on me.” He ranted.

“Andrew,” I started. “Will this change us? After all this?” “Well, things may not be like how it was before and I may have to court you first but whatever happen, we will always be friends.” He smiled. “And besides, what matters at the moment is us, underneath the rain, right here, right now, where everything is perfect.” I smile at his reply and close my eyes and have our little dance in the rain.

Well I guess, pained hearts and cliché reasons aren’t so bad after all.

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