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"" I say only focused on the chocolate fountain." Close your mouth that's very unattractive you know." Amber tells me. " shut up." She laughed and pulled me away from the sight.

"Where are we going?" I asked. She pulls us threw the crowd and into a unknown area in the unknown house.

"Just hold on tight there's quite a lot of people." She tells me and I follow.As we squeeze threw the swarm of bodies we finally reach a door that reads VIP only and a body guard standing in front of the red rope.

"Hey Gustavo!" Amber cheers.

Gustavo? He's alive?!

"Enjoying the party? And is that.....(he picks up his glasses and reveals his charming emerald eyes) Beckett!"

"Gustavo! I-I though you were dead....." My eyes started to water a bit but I cleared my eyes and smiles. 'Remember Kett clear eye head high!' I remind my self.

"Don't worry we made it....finally" he said sounding relieve." Oh and you guys can go in I'll be coming in a bit." We nodded and walked in recognizing most people I felt more comfortable.

This room was huge but smaller then the main room. It was just enough for 50 people or so. There was a mini bar, dance floor, cushions seats on the sides, tables, and food.

Amber and I walked side my side arms linked together and headed twords the chocolate fountain.

"Don't eat to much chocolate." She told me and we grab a stick and poke it into a strawberry. Then I decided to make a fruit kebob. Me and Amber stayed at the fountain for about 10 minutes eating and laughing until our other friend and some strangers came to talk to us.

"Hey Beckett how have you been?" Kian asked. " oh you know great as always." I tell him. "How's the job going?" He asked." Oh it's great thanks for getting me in there and guess what!"

"What?"he asked." I've became one of the most trusted agent but then Fin is still a pain in the ass causing me some trouble." I sigh. "You two have always been going at each other since you two were like what 4." He laughs and shakes his head. "So how have you been haven't seen you for a while."

"I just been running missions in my hometown and family matters too."he replies.

"HEY BABY SIS!" Someone calls and I instantly recognize his voice. I seriously still can't believe after 6 years...6 year of not knowing anything... Of only being told he's dead or missing he's finally back. Not only him but everyone that went missing that day.

"CONNOR!" I say running into my older brothers arm and crying into his chest. "It's okay... I'm back home now." He shushed me and hugs me tight while I ball my eyes out I could tell he's trying his best to hold back his tears.

I look up to see his bluefish greenish eyes just like mines but notice he has a scar on the side of his forehead. "What happens?" I question." Long story I'll tell you about it another time and I have someone I'd like you to meet but I'll show you later."I nodded and we head back to where everyone else was.

"C-Connor..." Amber stutters. She runs and hugs him in tears." How have you been?" He asks her hugging her back." Your so stupid I should be asking you that your the one who went missing!" She shouted but not so loud it disturbed others.

"Hey at least I'm not dead." He tries jokes but Amber kicks him on the leg."lets all go out to where the bigger party is" Connor suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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