Wonwoo: timer

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Just a random thought that came so I wrote this
( remember to comment is you want to request!! )


So everyone knows the story

Of how we were born with these timers on our wrist that go off whenever we meet our Soulmates, most people believe it but is it really true?

What if the person you are destined isn't exactly what you picture them to be.

I pictured a nice cute boy to be who I end up with, not this cold guy who glares all the time.

I was on my way home from school when I passed this restaurant that was hiring. I really needed a job and some money ( cuz I'm broke from buying too many things ). After doing the interview and being hired I felt great, but when I went in my first day and meet who I was going to be working with was this cold quiet guy ( and both of our timers going off ) didn't exactly make me scream in joy.

" so what's your name? My name is ____ " I ask
" Wonwoo " he coldly responded without even looking at me
" oh ok. So -" I said
He cut me off " look if your asking questions about me because we are now Soulmates and stuff stop cuz you aren't gonna get anything " he said.

"Wow" I thought " this isn't gonna be fun "

The whole shift we said nothing to each other and just worked. And it stayed like that. But sometimes he would look at me when he saw other guys talking to me, like a glare but I don't know what it was for.

One day while I was taking a mans order, a cute guy around my age, he suddenly cut me off and made me take some other girls order.
That same man came up to me
" hey my name is mingyu ( I can't think of anyone else ), I was wondering do you have a boyfriend?"  He asked me showing this charming smile

" actually I Don't--" I said before being cut off by Wonwoo when he said
" yes she does actually, so I suggest that you don't flirt with another mans girl. "

" oh ok. You were really cute too * reads name tag * ____. Maybe I will see you somewhere else " Mingyu said and walked away.

After we walked out and closed the restaurant I said to Wonwoo

" Wonwoo what was that for?!? Why did you say we were dating when we weren't.?!?!?" I yelled at him

" because you shouldn't be going out or talking to other guys like him. " he said Angrily

" but your not my boyfriend. Yes we may be Soulmates but the first day we met you made sure that we weren't going to have any thoughts of it so don't but in! " I said

" Well from now on I am. And I loved you since I first met you I just didn't know what to do cuz I'm so nervous around girls!" He said back
   Wonwoo grabbed me and kissed me
" now don't look at any other guys because you are mine and mine only ok. " he said while looking into my eyes

" ok. I love you " I said
" I love you too " he said as we walked hand in hand to my house.


I don't know how I came up with this

Please do request people, nobody is really requesting :////

But still people are reading so that shocks me and makes me happy

Thanks to everyone reading

I LOVE Y'ALL!!!!!!

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