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Chapter One
Modern Day

It was a bright Sunday morning, and thousands of people were roaming the streets of New York City. Some were headed to work, some were going shopping. But one person was headed to the library for information.

All Bucky heard was car horns and angry shouts as he jaywalked across the broad road. Confused, he hurried to the other side, pushing his baseball cap further down on his head to shield his eyes from the early sun. The brown-haired man read all of the large signs surrounding him as he ventured down the sidewalk, trying to find a library.

A few people in front of him, a man accidentally spilled his coffee all over a girl near him. "I'm so sorry!" the man exclaimed, offering to buy her another drink. The girl had smiled and gave him her number. Bucky walked faster and immediately started thinking of the past with Quinn. Even thinking her name made his brain hurt; he still couldn't piece together what happened while the two were under HYDRA's control.

Finally after walking past hundreds of restaurants and stores holding apparel, the man came across a large building with columns five times his height made out of concrete that was chiseled expertly. New York Public Library, the sign wrote and Bucky squinted his eyes in victory. Walking up the steps, he passed under grand arches that would make even a giant look small.

Things surely are different now than they were before, Bucky thought as he moved through a door frame-looking device. Automatically, sirens went off and the man was ready to book it at any moment when a female police officer came up to him, metal detector in hand. Subconsciously, Bucky balled his hoodie sleeves up in both hands, making it that so his metal arm wasn't visible. That would cause too many questions that he just couldn't answer.

"Sir, I'm going to need to search you." The woman spoke, her dark skin glowing under the yellow light of the Library. Bucky nodded nervously. First, the woman kneeled down and checked his ankles and legs, then she started moving up and he held his breath, never hating the fact that he had a metal arm more in his life than he was at the moment.

She moved to the right first, and the metal detector beeped. She pulled up his hoodie sleeve to reveal his engagement ring being the reason the contraption was signaling there was a metal. Slowly, the officer let down his sleeve. "You're free to go," She sighed, turning off the device. Bucky nodded and loped away, feeling the redness of his cheeks going away.

He quickly sat down at a desk that had a modern looking desktop. He was immediately interested by the contraption and noticed what looked like a mouse beside it. Bucky's eyes followed the chord and knew it was connected to the electronic device for some reason, so he gave it a little nudge. Automatically, the screen pulled up so fast that the man almost jumped at the sudden light.

He scanned the information on the start screen of the computer and saw something called "Google Chrome". Bucky was intrigued so he decided to move the mouse to the icon, clicking it. When nothing happened, he clicked it a few times in a row to try to get it to open. After a few seconds of waiting, a window popped up that had a bar which said "search" on it.

Letting out a deep breath, Bucky slowly looked down at the board filled with letters and numbers and typed the name Quinn Callahan into the digital box. After taking nearly thirty seconds to find the "enter" key, he pressed it and waited for the screen to load up. Instantaneously, millions of articles, pictures and websites loaded right before Bucky's eyes.

The man pressed the news tab to try and see if he could make finding her whereabouts a lot easier, but to no avail. All he was able to collect were articles about how her and Bucky's bodies were never found. Huffing, he felt visions resurfacing from one of the memory attacks he had had the night before. Quickly, he pushed the thoughts away and stared intently at the computer screen.

He deleted the name and typed in 'hydra attack', and nothing important loaded. 'fire attack', 'arson'; still not a single thing that could be linked to his fiancee.

Bucky was kicking himself mentally, trying to remember more about what happened after their normal life. Suddenly, his brain sucked him into a new memory.

It was dark, and the smell of mildew and mild smoke was high in the air. Slowly opening his eyes, Bucky knew he wasn't anywhere near the military camp. What the hell? Blinking a few times, he glanced at his right arm to see it handcuffed to the side of the table he laid upon.

As his heart rate accelerated, he remembered that he shouldn't make any noise so that his capturers wouldn't know he was awake. Slowly, his gaze moved to his left arm, only to notice it wasn't there. Eyes widening, Bucky refrained from shouting in surprise. As if on cue, what was left of his arm was throbbing violently, rendering the man from being able to think clearly.

Bucky looked back up at the ceiling, his blue eyes closing and opening as he fell in and out of consciousness. Finally, everything went black.

When he awoke, he heard a drilling sound. Orbs snapping open, Bucky's neck craned quickly to see what was happening; there was another person beside him, still knocked out. He squinted and gasped inaudibly when he realized who it was. Beside him was Quinn Callahan, his fiancee.

Deciding that screaming for help or trying to get up would be harmful to both him and his lover, he stayed quiet and watched in worry and fear as a short man with large glasses lowered the drill closer to Quinn's skin. Blood started pouring out and dripping off her shoulder as the machine broke multiple layers of her skin. After almost 30 seconds of the man's drilling, he turned the tool off and grabbed a pair of tweezers, picking up a metal device that was beeping red like an alarm with them.

The device was dropped into the wound in the shoulder and another man walked up, grabbing tissues to start cleaning up the blood. Bucky had to look away from the gory sight, and bit his lip terrified for Quinn. After the two maniacs patched up her shoulder, one of them pulled out a remote and the two crowded around in excitement, whispering things that Bucky just simply couldn't make out.

Bucky looked around ahead of him and noticed tens of others spread out, modifying others. His eyes diverted to those men again and he closed his eyes in anticipation when the one who had the drill pressed the large button on the remote he was holding.

His glasses bobbled as he grinned maniacally. "Behold, The B--"

Bucky's eyes widened when he came back to reality, quickly pushing in the words, 'The Black Inferno'.

Hundreds of unseen articles appeared, and the Winter Soldier could almost hear the doctors shouting 'Hail HYDRA' in the back of his mind.


legit gonna say that i just started high school so im not going to have a lot of time to write anymore!!

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