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I got tagged by MysticSoull to tell 15 facts about me so here i go

1. Im a female

2. I like to play football  (soccer)

3. Im from england

4. My first anime was fairytale

5. My friend got me into hetalia

6. I burn my food alot

7. My birthday is the first of july (when i wrote this)

8. Im single

9. Ive never been in a relationship with anyone

10. I want to write but dont have the time

11. That last one rhymed

12. I have a cat and guinea pig and a demon hamster

13. My favourite animal is a tiger

14. My favourite food is PASTAA!

15. Ive got an older brother and a  yonger brother and yonger sister

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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