Shorline Six

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Whispers and snickers from across the halls

Burns into my brain like the fire of a dying forest

It's dry in there, with a light spark factor

It's lighting up the depths of who I am

In flames the words can never come out

It singes my throat raw and cries who I have left to sleep

And that's never hard considering 

I like the escape of the hard feat

There's barely any snow this November

And the stars are not shining tonight

a thick cloud covers the light of the moon

And I feel I'm as hollowed as the rotting log

What will I ever be when I hear what they think?

I know people say to stay strong

But do they even have the strength to care?

I cross the bridge to my house.

I hear voices laughing in the distance

Right behind me, they yell there painful words

I bite my lip to hold in the tears

Can't they just let me go?

You're not pretty, they say to me, with their perfect hair

You're not pretty at all, you know that

One kicks my stomach and spits in my face

You're lower than the dirt, the taunt

I cry and ask for them to stop

But that only gets them to the pinacle of their hatred

Where their anger at me looking different

All explodes into the ending of the forest

One gives a good punch to my stomach

I scream for everything that has ever happened to me

Then one pushes me off of the small bridge to the shallow water 

And the pebbles dig into the skin of my back

The water is frozen, and I can't breathe

The air is knocked out of me and I can't move

The shorline six run down to me and laugh

Shoreline six or shorline sick?

I try to duck for the heel that bashes in on the side of my skull

Stars explode in my eyes

Why are they doing this to me? 

Should  I even try...

The foot kicks repeatedly and it hurts so bad

One sits on my face

The water streams around me, leaving scared

Is that all I'll ever be?

I get a good punch to the stomach

And a few words thrown into my face

I keep crying, the tears drowned away

And then one punches my jaw

Stop, stop, please, I think I say

But the water drowns out the sound of their laugh

It's so cold and alone now here

And I can barely think or breathe

I see blood on my shirt

Bruises blanketing my arms

And the sound of the shorline six beating me numb

Is overwhelming

Mom, mom, help, I croak

I feel like I'm dying now with nothing to hold on to

This is too far, why do they hate me?

They tell me to kill myself and now they're doing the deed

I can't walk or move or think

I want to die now, please, just let me stop feeling

Because everything I'm feeling is devoid of all love

Only sadness of the love lost

It comes in phases as they carry me to the other side 

Of the other side of the bridge

And they beat me and claw and scratch

And it's so painful, it's terrifying

I'm scared of not breathing

But what kind of life is this?

I'm paralyzed, too beaten and broken to move

And they catch me everytime I make a sound

The words come just as hard

And I cry til nothing's left

My face is red and heating up

While the rest of my body is dead

Then the leader of the six takes my hand

She doesn't get me back up

She pushes me face first into the cold stream water

Shoves the pebbles down my throat

I try to struggle on instinct

But it's torture waiting to die alone in this cold place

I'm all choked up, my throat, my head, me

And I feel nothing

As the water blocks in my lungs

and there is no more air in any sense

Did I have any air before, I ask myself, waiting

Just waiting for the pain to end

I hear them walk away

And then

I want my family, I want my mommy and daddy

I don't care anymore I want to be at home and away from all this

And five seconds later after my struggles stop

I am away from all this

And the blackness is the one that drowns me

Shorline SixWhere stories live. Discover now