The Story of CJ & Mya - Episode 3

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CJ's Condo | 12:33 AM

"Your boss is at your door?" Mya responds with confusion from the other end of the phone. Oh shit, is all CJ can think at this moment. What is she doing here? "Hello, babe? Is everything ok?" Mya shouts.

Wait, how does she know where I she is stalking me, CJ tries to figure out. CJ is finally snapped back to reality. "Oh, no one, sweetie," CJ finally gets out. "Let me call you back." She quickly presses End on her phone.

Amanda rings the doorbell again. Really, CJ thinks to herself. CJ finally opens the door and stands still in the middle of the doorway stuck in disbelief and shock.

"I don't like 'no'," Amanda proclaims instantly. Her elegant gown is covered with a short black and white fur.

"What-are-you-doing-here?" CJ is quickly angered by Amanda's continuing smugness.

Amanda gestures with her head towards the inside of the condo. "May I?"

"What?" CJ crosses her arms defiantly as she remains firmly in the middle of her doorway. "Again, what the hell are you doing here, Amanda? How do you even know where I live?"

"I said I do not like being told no," Amanda declares boldly. " Please, CJ, finding your address was child's play. Don't be dramatic. Are we going to do this out here in your hallway or go inside?"

"You have the audacity to show up at my home in the middle of the night, demand to come inside to have a discussion that I refused to have with you earlier all because you cannot accept 'no', but I am the one being dramatic?"

Amanda simply raises an eyebrow. "Are your neighbors nosy? I hope not, because they are about to get an earful."

CJ grits her teeth. "Please, come in," she responds sarcastically and moves to the side allowing Amanda to enter.

CJ's phone continuously vibrates. It's Mya calling back after being hung up on so abruptly. CJ ignores it. She can only deal with one woman at a time. Funny, this time 48 hours ago she had no women, now she has two. No, one and an apparent stalker. If CJ weren't so annoyed she would be flattered.

"I don't want to sleep with you," CJ begins promptly after closing her front door, "so get over yourself and save us both some time and energy."

"Wow," Amanda genuinely seems surprised. "Am I that horrible? You won't even consider..." Her amused smirk is back. "Give me a chance to seduce you at least."

"Take your chance and shove..."

"OK, OK, I am sorry." Amanda interrupts. "Can we just talk?"

CJ gives an exaggerated exhale then rolls her eyes.

Amanda's voice lowers to a more soothing tone as she walks over to the couch. "Please, come have a seat," she pleads. Her eyes soften. She holds her hands up as if surrendering. "No more advances, I promise."

CJ simply raises a questionable eyebrow.

"I promise. I only want to talk. Ten minutes."

"You can talk from there. Or from your phone from your house." CJ snips.

Amanda's eyes soften as she sits at one end of CJ's plush cobalt couch.

"Ten minutes, not a second longer," CJ concedes as she cautiously moves towards the couch, keeping her eyes on Amanda as if she is a wild animal who may attack at any minute. She sits down slowly, over exaggerating every movement.

"Thank you, CJ," Amanda smiles warm. Her aggressiveness as well as her perfect posture slowly dissolve into the cozy couch. Her big brown eyes dim into meager harmless slits. CJ's defenses are immediately lowered at the decompression of the all mighty Amanda Smith. Now, she is just a normal woman sitting on CJ's normal couch.

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