Chapter 1

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Hi My Little Puppies, I have been waiting SO long to write this and I finally got the time so here it is… SUGAR GIVES ME IDEAS BECAUSE I LIKE SUGAR… No I am a bit overly crazy today, SORRY.

Stormi is American by the way and the Doctor is STILL British

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Stormi’s P.O.V◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

I was running, fast. From this monster which I’m guessing is an alien or something. It was a giant black cat, kind of like a panther but It definitely wasn’t  so I screamed, I screamed for the one man that I thought might fix this, the man that saved me from a horrible life I would be living right now but I’m not. My foster mom didn’t care about me; I was a failure in school. Nothing mattered anymore other than him. “DOCTOR” I screamed, “Doctor! Doctor, where are you” I screamed again and again. The alien was gaining but yet people weren’t noticing as if it wasn’t really there but I knew it was. There was no screams, only laughs.

I could’ve sworn I heard a guy say, “Look at her, running from a kitty cat like it’s going to murder her,” but that couldn’t be it right? Then I heard it, the most beautiful noise I have ever heard, ‘the sound of the universe’ as the doctor would call it. I ran towards the noise and when I got there the doctor was standing there fiddling with his bowtie waiting, when he saw the alien his eyes widened and he fiddled with his jacket to get his sonic screwdriver, he found it and started to sonic it. All it did was make the alien angrier and it sped up. The Tardis opened up her doors and me and the doctor flew inside. The Tardis was smart and she automatically sent us flying through space. I sighed with relief and turned back to see the doctor fiddling around with the sonic probably transmitting information into the Tardis. His eyes widened when he got the results.

“What was it doctor?” I asked, wondering what race was trying to kill me.

“Stormi, I don’t know how you’re going to take this but that wasn’t a alien.” He tells me, it was shocking.

I started to space out until I heard a male voice say, “It was a hellhound, Stormi. You must find camp. Get away from this Doctor man, he doesn’t understand us. Only they do.”

I shook my head and murmured “It was a hellhound.”

“How did you know?” questioned the doctor.

“How did I know what?” I said, looking at the doctor like he was crazy.

“That it was a hellhound, it’s from Greek Mythology and it should not even exist.” He tells me, I don’t even know how I know, but I’m not going to tell him that I heard a voice in my head that told me that, he would hook me up to a machine and I am NOT going to let that happen.

“I don’t know,” I lied, “I just did.” He nods his head in approval. “Can we still go on that trip to those fields you talked about, you yourself said that you wanted to explore it all the way,” I tempt, he hesitates but he agrees. He starts hitting buttons and pulling levers until the Tardis lands. I walk out and see endless plains, we keep walking until we get up to this massive pine tree, it looked like it had been growing for ten years at the least. I took a breath and kept walking but the doctor hit something and fell back. “Doctor!” I exclaimed running back to help him up.

“Stormi, go back to where you were standing.” He orders, and when the doctor tells you to do something you do it, that is unless he tells you to stay put. He reaches out but his hand stops and seems to be struggling to get past the pine tree. “Stormi, you should go ahead and see what this place is. It could be something alien or worse.” He tells me, his voice full of concern.

Stormi Sparks on the Tardis (Percy Jackson/Doctor Who On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now