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Just to let you know, I thought of this plot all on my own. I put a LOT of work into it and it you steal any part of it. (anything about the x gene or otherwise) I WILL find you! please do not steal something I have worked so hard on! I have been writing some of it in google docs and this is more so the rough draft may come back and edit all of this! ;)

Caution; Lots of swear words, most likely nudity, and any other thing your parents might not like!

ALSO; looking for a book cover for this book I dont like the one I made!

Chapter 1



A oozy drop of crimson liquid fell from my mouth. The sounds around me stung my head like a million knives. I hated my parents, for making me carry the gene. The gene that allowed the government hand me over to slavitude. The gene that made me a slave, to werewolves.


Want me to start with how it all started? Well, back in 2014 vampires came out of the dark.. of course I never believed it until they started showing up on TV and then all over the world donor shelters popped up to give the vampires free blood. Blood whores. Of course, like poetry, after the vampires a whole ton of other crazy mystical shit came out too. Werewolves, shape shifters, witches. Shit was messed the fuck up. Anyway, onto the part about my genes. The government didn’t know what to do, since, of course werewolves didn’t drink blood like vampires and the government couldn’t handle them. That was until some stupid werewolf went to the president and told them about the X gene. Also called the cross gene. Which is where somewhere in a humans heritage there was three crosses, vampire, werewolf, and witch.


Now, don’t get me wrong,  these people didn’t have any special magical powers… they were average people. Until, the werewolves found out that if they bred a girl with the gene that there would be the most powerful werewolf pups to ever be on earth. Especially if you are like me, and have the x gene in over 90% of your body. I had some powers, because of that percentage.. but it wasn’t enough to protect myself. The government made a deal with the wolves that they could have one hundred girls each month. The government paid the families of the girls and the girls were taken. I think they called it “the good of the many over the good of the one.” but they don’t know what happens.


The werewolves, filthy creatures, put us in sewers like rats and sold us to the highest bidder. I was usually the main attraction with how much of the X gene I had. They also said it was because of my looks. Which I didn’t understand, I was your average girl. One hundred and five pounds, mostly cause they almost never feed me, I have long black hair and deep green eyes. My first sale the person  paid five hundred thousand dollars for me. Though, he gave me back because of my bull headedness. I didn’t mind though.


And so here I was again, at the sales block.. my hands shackled. I didn’t want to be sold again. I am only sixteen.. that’s WAY too young for kids. Luckily my old master didn’t even try.


“HEY! HEY!!! Girl! Number fifty five! Wake up! You have to bring me a lot of money,” I opened my eyes and saw a man wiping the blood off my face. Funny thing to do for a guy that had hit me ten minutes ago causing the blood to come there. Though, it was nothing new for me. I had bruises on my arms, scars on my wrists from shackles and my hair was a tangled mess. I don’t know who would want to buy me.


“I bid three hundred thousand,” I heard a small voice in the back, a young man probably like twenty.

“You are not wolf, who are you bidding for?” The man that had just wiped my face off asked, noting his bid in a small notebook.

“Lord James, sir,” the guy said and everyone gasped.


The man got up to hit me again, no doubt since I was feeling groggy but before his hand came in contact with my face I jumped forward, causing the shackles to cut my wrist, opening my mouth and revealing a set of razor sharp teeth.. my eyes turned yellow, blue, and green all at the same time and I roared.. a loud piercing roar.

shit shit shit shit shit.. I shouldn’t have done that.


“700 thousand,” I heard another guy say.

“one million dollars.” the same small voice said.

The other men murmured and all walked away.

“She’s yours,” the man laughed and undid my chain that held the shackles to the wall. The small man lead me by my shackles. I was too tired, too hungry, too weak to want to fight him anyway and before I knew it I was in the back of a huge truck on the way to some Lord James guy’s house.

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