Chapter 6

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I have been trying to update a lot! Everyday! It has been successful so far. though, not that many people read this I want the few that do to be happy with updates.

I kept running for all I was worth, I kept running. I didn’t stop until I came to a road. I collapsed by the road, out of breath and tired. As I laid there breathing heavily I felt my heart rate start to slow down back to normal and my sweat start to dry.

When I had finally caught my breath I looked up at the road, it didn’t look to be one that was traveled often, though I had to take my chances. Stepping onto the road I thought about my life up until that moment. What had lead to me being here? Running away from WEREWOLVES?

I had a normal life, for the most part. One of the mediocre lives where I sat on our porch and read books all the time. I loved to read, love to. Though, I haven’t read a book in what seems like forever, I would kill for a book.

The sound of a car coming from behind my shook me of my thoughts and I turned around, putting my arm out and sticking up my thumb. I had no expectation of the car to slow down and pick me up, but to my surprise it did. I watched as the guy got out of the car, he was short for a guy probably a little over five and a half feet. He was pale and had piercing blue eyes and curly black hair.

“Wasn’t the point of you slowing down for me to get in the car and get a ride?” I offered.

“Are you an x?” the guy questioned looking me up and down.

I froze and started backing up.

“It’s fine I’ll get a ride from someone else..” I laughed nervously.

The guy ran at me with superhuman speed and was next to me in two seconds flat. Vampire. I caught my breath as he stared into my eyes.

“Answer my question.” he said

“Yes I am.”

The man just started smiling and grabbed my arm, dragging me towards his car. I dug my heels into the ground and pulled against him.

“Knock it off!” he screamed and slapped me across the face. I placed a tender hand on my cheek and rubbed it. With my free hand I slapped him back, of course he barely even flinched. Instead he smiled.

“Feisty, I like them feisty.”

“I like them alive, so...sorry.”

“If you don’t watch it you won’t be alive any longer!” the vampire scowled at me.

Suddenly I heard a growl behind me. I guessed that it was James.. my saviour. I rolled my eyes as I turned around and gasped when I saw ten or fifteen wolves come all running at the guy at the same time and attack him. I just stood there and watched the carnage. The wolves bit into him and his screams pierced my  ears.

That was until I came to my senses and started running towards the woods on the other side of the road. A familiar pair of huge arms wrapped themselves around me and James leaned down and whispered in my ear, “OH, No you don’t.”

Wait, wasn’t he just a wolf? I looked down and saw that he was naked, I shivered, he was holding me and he was naked.

James put me into the vampire’s car and told his men to hide the body. It scared me how easily he could cover up murder. Although, he did save was still murder. Luckily after searching through the guy’s things he found a pair of shorts, at least he wouldn’t be naked anymore.

When he got in the car I looked out the window, I knew he was driving my back to his place. I glanced at him, his eyebrows were furrowed. I could tell he was really mad.

“I don’t know who to be mad at. You, for leaving me. Or Shane for letting you leave.”

This caused me to look down, it really wasn’t Shane’s fault since I lied to him. If James was only going to keep coming after me everytime that I ran away maybe I would have to learn to live with just ignoring him. I took one last glance at him, he had perfectly toned abs, and a lot of muscle. He WAS really attractive.

“Quit eye-fucking me.” James stated and smiled, a bright white shiny smile. It was really cute.

“Just to let you know, I wasn’t eye-fucking you” was my retort and I kept quiet for the rest of the drive.

And it was an awkward drive at that, only the sound of the car’s tires on the road was all I heard. Eventually, like halfway through the ride I turned on the radio just to save myself from going insane.

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